Birgit Popp
Birgit Popp
Group Leader Human-Machine Interaction, Senior Scientist, Fraunhofer IIS
在 iis.fraunhofer.de 的电子邮件经过验证
Activation of latent courtship circuitry in the brain of Drosophila females induces male-like behaviors
C Rezaval, S Pattnaik, HJ Pavlou, T Nojima, B Brüggemeier, ...
Current Biology 26 (18), 2508-2515, 2016
Perceptions and reactions to conversational privacy initiated by a conversational user interface
B Brüggemeier, P Lalone
Computer Speech & Language 71, 101269, 2022
User Preference and Categories for Error Responses in Conversational User Interfaces
S Yuan, B Brüggemeier, S Hillmann, T Michael
2nd Conference on Conversational User Interfaces, CUI 2020, July 22-24, 2020 …, 2020
User Experience of Alexa when controlling music - comparison of face and construct validity of four questionnaires
B Brüggemeier, M Breiter, M Kurz, J Schiwy
2nd Conference on Conversational User Interfaces, CUI 2020, 2020
Success is not final; failure is not fatal–task success and user experience in interactions with Alexa, Google Assistant and Siri
M Kurz, B Brüggemeier, M Breiter
Human-Computer Interaction. Design and User Experience Case Studies …, 2021
User Experience of Alexa, Siri and Google Assistant When Controlling Music – Comparison of Four Questionnaires
B Brüggemeier, M Breiter, M Kurz, J Schiwy
HCI International 2020 - Late Breaking Papers: User Experience Design and …, 2020
Privacy in Speech Interfaces
T Bäckström, B Brüggemeier, J Fischer
ITG News 3 (4), 11-14, 2020
Design implications for human-machine interactions from a qualitative pilot study on privacy
A Leschanowsky, B Brüggemeier, N Peters
Proc. 2021 ISCA symposium on security and privacy in speech communication, 76-79, 2021
Female Drosophila melanogaster respond to song-amplitude modulations
B Brüggemeier, MA Porter, JO Vigoreaux, SF Goodwin
Biology Open 7 (6), bio032003, 2018
Debiasing strategies for conversational AI: improving privacy and security decision-making
A Leschanowsky, B Popp, N Peters
Digital Society 2 (3), 34, 2023
Privacy Strategies for Conversational AI and their Influence on Users' Perceptions and Decision-Making
A Leschanowsky, B Popp, N Peters
Proceedings of the 2023 European Symposium on Usable Security, 296-311, 2023
WoS - Open Source Wizard of Oz for Speech Systems.
LP Brüggemeier B.
Joint Proceedings of the ACM IUI 2019 Workshops, 2019
Improving the utility of drosophila melanogaster for neurodegenerative disease research by modelling courtship behaviour patterns
B Bruggemeier, C Schusterreiter, H Pavlou, N Jenkins, S Lynch, A Bianchi, ...
Report summarising the outcomes from the UK NC3R’s and POEM’s meeting, 2014
Adapting debiasing strategies for conversational AI
A Leschanowsky, B Popp, N Peters
Zagreb, Croatia, 74, 2022
Chatbot Language - crowdsource perceptions and reactions to dialogue systems to inform dialogue design decisions
B Popp, P Lalone, A Leschanowsky
Behavior Research Methods, 2022
Uncertain yet Rational-Uncertainty as an Evaluation Measure of Rational Privacy Decision-Making in Conversational AI
A Leschanowsky, B Popp, N Peters
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 203-220, 2023
Evaluating privacy, security, and trust perceptions in conversational AI: A systematic review
A Leschanowsky, S Rech, B Popp, T Bäckström
Computers in Human Behavior, 108344, 2024
Experts-in-the-Loop: Establishing an Effective Workflow in Crafting Privacy Q&A
Z Kolagar, AK Leschanowsky, B Popp
arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.11161, 2023
Ursula Damm & Birgit Brüggemeier: In the Language of the Flies
P Tepe
w/k-Zwischen Wissenschaft & Kunst, 2023
Predicting Request Success with Objective Features in German Multimodal Speech Assistants
M Weber, MM Halimeh, W Kellermann, B Popp
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 594-609, 2022
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