Agung Budi Harto
Agung Budi Harto
Geodetic and Geomatic Engineering, Faculty of Earth Science and Technology, Institut Teknologi
在 gd.itb.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Upwelling variability along the southern coast of Bali and in Nusa Tenggara waters
NS Ningsih, N Rakhmaputeri, AB Harto
Ocean Science Journal 48, 49-57, 2013
Generating soil salinity, soil moisture, soil pH from satellite imagery and its analysis
MF Ghazali, K Wikantika, AB Harto, A Kondoh
Information Processing in Agriculture 7 (2), 294-306, 2020
Effects of El Niño–Southern Oscillation events on catches of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the eastern Indian Ocean off Java
ML Syamsuddin, SI Saitoh, T Hirawake, S Bachri, AB Harto
Detecting rice phenology in paddy fields with complex cropping pattern using time series MODIS data
DK Sari, IH Ismullah, WN Sulasdi, AB Harto
ITB J. Sci 42 (2), 91-106, 2010
Mapping the distribution of coffee plantations from multi-resolution, multi-temporal, and multi-sensor data using a random forest algorithm
A Tridawati, K Wikantika, TM Susantoro, AB Harto, S Darmawan, ...
Remote Sensing 12 (23), 3933, 2020
Contextualizing mangrove forest deforestation in southeast asia using environmental and socio-economic data products
A Fauzi, A Sakti, L Yayusman, A Harto, L Prasetyo, B Irawan, M Kamal, ...
Forests 10 (11), 952, 2019
Evaluasi perubahan perilaku erosi daerah aliran sungai citarum hulu dengan pemodelan spasial
AB Poerbandono, AB Harto, P Rallyanti
Jurnal Infrastruktur dan Lingkungan Binaan II (2), 2006
Korelasi stok karbon dengan karakteristik spektral citra landsat: studi kasus gunung papandayan
YI Ulumuddin, E Sulistyawati, DM Hakim, AB Harto
Presented on Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan MAPIN XIV,“Pemanfaatan Efektif …, 2005
Automatic Workflow for roof extraction and generation of 3D citygml models from low-cost uav image-derived point clouds
A Murtiyoso, M Veriandi, D Suwardhi, B Soeksmantono, AB Harto
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 9 (12), 743, 2020
Hydrological regions in monsoon Asia
A Kondoh, AB Harto, R Eleonora, T Kojiri
Hydrological Processes 18 (16), 3147-3158, 2004
Machine learning remote sensing using the random forest classifier to detect the building damage caused by the Anak Krakatau Volcano tsunami
R Virtriana, AB Harto, FW Atmaja, I Meilano, KN Fauzan, TS Anggraini, ...
Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 14 (1), 28-51, 2023
Estimation of water consumption of lowland rice in tropical area based on heterogeneous cropping calendar using remote sensing technology
DK Sari, IH Ismullah, WN Sulasdi, AB Harto
Procedia Environmental Sciences 17, 298-307, 2013
Evaluating mangrove forest deforestation causes in Southeast Asia by analyzing recent environment and socio-economic data products
AI Fauzi, AD Sakti, LF Yayusman, AB Harto, LB Prasetyo, B Irawan, ...
Proceedings of the 39th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Kuala Lumpur …, 2018
Development of spatial model for food security prediction using remote sensing data in west Java, Indonesia
R Virtriana, A Riqqi, TS Anggraini, KN Fauzan, KTN Ihsan, FC Mustika, ...
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 11 (5), 284, 2022
Identification of banana plants from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) photos using object based image analysis (OBIA) method (a case study in Sayang Village, Jatinangor District …
AB Harto, PAD Prastiwi, FN Ariadji, D Suwardhi, FM Dwivany, IW Nuarsa, ...
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 26 (1), 7-7, 2019
The use of spectral and textural features from Landsat TM image for land cover classification in mountainous area
K Wikantika, A Harto, R Tateishi
Proceedings of the IECL Japan workshop, Tokyo, 2001
Estimation of carbon stock at landscape level using remote sensing: a case study in Mount Papandayan
E Sulistyawati, YI Ulumuddin, DM Hakim, AB Harto, M Ramdhan
Presented on Environmental Technology and Management Conference, 2006
Satellite imagery for classification of rice growth phase using freeman decomposition in Indramayu, West Java, Indonesia
R Nurtyawan, A Saepuloh, AB Harto, K Wikantika, A Kondoh
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 25 (3), 126-126, 2018
3d modeling of individual trees from lidar and photogrammetric point clouds by explicit parametric representations for green open space (gos) management
D Suwardhi, KN Fauzan, AB Harto, B Soeksmantono, R Virtriana, ...
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 11 (3), 174, 2022
Pemetaan Pola Tanam dan Kalender Tanam Padi Sawah menggunakan Teknik Pengindraan Jauh
R Hernawati, AB Harto, DK Sari
Reka Geomatika 2017 (2), 2017
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