Jeanine Grütter
Jeanine Grütter
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Emotionally supportive classroom interactions and students' perceptions of their teachers as caring and just
L Gasser, J Grütter, A Buholzer, A Wettstein
Learning and instruction 54, 82-92, 2018
Sozialer Ausschluss in Integrationsklassen: Ansichtssache?
J Grütter, B Meyer, A Glenz
Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht 62 (1), 65-82, 2014
Intergroup friendship and children's intentions for social exclusion in integrative classrooms: the moderating role of teachers' diversity beliefs
J Grütter, B Meyer
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 44 (7), 481-494, 2014
Competitive classroom norms and exclusion of children with academic and behavior difficulties
L Gasser, J Grütter, L Torchetti, A Buholzer
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 49, 1-11, 2017
Promoting inclusion via cross‐group friendship: The mediating role of change in trust and sympathy
J Grütter, L Gasser, A Zuffianò, B Meyer
Child Development 89 (4), e414-e430, 2018
Inclusive classroom norms, children's sympathy, and intended inclusion toward students with hyperactive behavior
L Gasser, J Grütter, L Torchetti
Journal of School Psychology 71, 72-84, 2018
The role of cross-group friendship and emotions in adolescents’ attitudes towards inclusion
J Grütter, L Gasser, T Malti
Research in developmental disabilities 62, 137-147, 2017
Links between teachers’ liking of students, peer inclusion, and students’ academic achievement: A two-wave longitudinal study
S Sette, L Gasser, J Grütter
Journal of youth and adolescence 49 (3), 747-756, 2020
Parental educational aspirations and children’s academic self‐concept: disentangling state and trait components on their dynamic interplay
M Buchmann, J Grütter, A Zuffianò
Child Development 93 (1), 7-24, 2022
Adolescents’ own and parental expectations for cross‐group friendship in the context of societal inequalities
J Grütter, S Dhakal, M Killen
Journal of Social Issues 77 (4), 1188-1212, 2021
How friendship is defined matters for predicting intergroup attitudes: Shared activities and mutual trust with cross-ethnic peers during late childhood and early adolescence
J Grütter, LR Tropp
International Journal of Behavioral Development 43 (2), 128-135, 2019
Beyond ethnic diversity: the role of teacher care for interethnic relations
J Grütter, B Meyer, M Philipp, S Stegmann, R van Dick
Frontiers in Education 5, 586709, 2021
Developmental antecedents of young adults’ solidarity during the Covid‐19 pandemic: The role of sympathy, social trust, and peer exclusion from early to late adolescence
J Grütter, M Buchmann
Child development 92 (5), e832-e850, 2021
Educational concerns, health concerns and mental health during early COVID-19 school closures: the role of perceived support by teachers, family, and friends
L Dändliker, I Brünecke, P Citterio, F Lochmatter, M Buchmann, J Grütter
Frontiers in psychology 12, 733683, 2022
Civic competencies during adolescence: Longitudinal associations with sympathy in childhood
J Grütter, M Buchmann
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 50, 674-692, 2021
Cohort differences in the development of civic engagement during adolescence
J Grütter, M Buchmann
Child development 93 (4), e427-e445, 2022
Familiäre Unterstützung als Schutzfaktor für Jugendliche während der COVID-19-Pandemie
RL van Eickels, M Zemp, J Grütter
Kindheit und Entwicklung, 2022
Socioeconomic status biases among children and adolescents: The role of school diversity and teacher beliefs in Nepal
J Grütter, S Dhakal, M Killen
Child development 93 (5), 1475-1492, 2022
COCON–Swiss longitudinal survey of children and youth
M Buchmann, J Grütter, C Igel
Longitudinal and Life Course Studies 12 (4), 573-589, 2021
Evaluation der Integrierten Sonderschulung in der Verantwortung der Regelschule (ISR) im Kanton Zürich. Evaluationsbericht 2015
A Buholzer, J Grütter, C Tschopp
Abgerufen am 26, 2018, 2015
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