Worst-case optimal join algorithms HQ Ngo, E Porat, C Ré, A Rudra Journal of the ACM (JACM) 65 (3), 1-40, 2018 | 401 | 2018 |
Skew strikes back: new developments in the theory of join algorithms HQ Ngo, C Ré, A Rudra Acm Sigmod Record 42 (4), 5-16, 2014 | 299 | 2014 |
A data-centric approach to insider attack detection in database systems S Mathew, M Petropoulos, HQ Ngo, S Upadhyaya Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection: 13th International Symposium, RAID …, 2010 | 234 | 2010 |
Towards a theory of insider threat assessment R Chinchani, A Iyer, HQ Ngo, S Upadhyaya 2005 International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN'05 …, 2005 | 228 | 2005 |
A survey on combinatorial group testing algorithms with applications to DNA library screening HQ Ngo, DZ Du | 213 | 2000 |
FAQ: Questions Asked Frequently MA Khamis, HQ Ngo, A Rudra arXiv preprint arXiv:1504.04044, 2015 | 212* | 2015 |
Efficiently decodable non-adaptive group testing P Indyk, HQ Ngo, A Rudra Proceedings of the twenty-first annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete …, 2010 | 172 | 2010 |
On handling negative transfer and imbalanced distributions in multiple source transfer learning L Ge, J Gao, H Ngo, K Li, A Zhang Statistical Analysis and Data Mining: The ASA Data Science Journal 7 (4 …, 2014 | 156 | 2014 |
On profiling mobility and predicting locations of wireless users J Ghosh, MJ Beal, HQ Ngo, C Qiao Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on Multi-hop ad hoc networks …, 2006 | 98 | 2006 |
New constructions of non-adaptive and error-tolerance pooling designs HQ Ngo, DZ Du Discrete Mathematics 243 (1-3), 161-170, 2002 | 98 | 2002 |
What do Shannon-type inequalities, submodular width, and disjunctive datalog have to do with one another? M Abo Khamis, HQ Ngo, D Suciu Proceedings of the 36th ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGAI Symposium on Principles of …, 2017 | 96 | 2017 |
Why regularized auto-encoders learn sparse representation? D Arpit, Y Zhou, H Ngo, V Govindaraju International Conference on Machine Learning, 136-144, 2016 | 92 | 2016 |
On a routing problem within probabilistic graphs and its application to intermittently connected networks J Ghosh, HQ Ngo, S Yoon, C Qiao IEEE INFOCOM 2007-26th IEEE International Conference on Computer …, 2007 | 91 | 2007 |
Joins via geometric resolutions: Worst case and beyond MA Khamis, HQ Ngo, C Ré, A Rudra ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS) 41 (4), 1-45, 2016 | 88 | 2016 |
Efficiently decodable error-correcting list disjunct matrices and applications HQ Ngo, E Porat, A Rudra Automata, Languages and Programming: 38th International Colloquium, ICALP …, 2011 | 88 | 2011 |
In-database learning with sparse tensors M Abo Khamis, HQ Ngo, XL Nguyen, D Olteanu, M Schleich Proceedings of the 37th ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGAI Symposium on Principles of …, 2018 | 80 | 2018 |
Join processing for graph patterns: An old dog with new tricks D Nguyen, M Aref, M Bravenboer, G Kollias, HQ Ngo, C Ré, A Rudra Proceedings of the GRADES'15, 1-8, 2015 | 78 | 2015 |
CQMP: a mesh-based multicast routing protocol with consolidated query packets H Dhillon, HQ Ngo IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2005 4, 2168-2174, 2005 | 77 | 2005 |
A layered aggregate engine for analytics workloads M Schleich, D Olteanu, M Abo Khamis, HQ Ngo, XL Nguyen Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Management of Data, 1642 …, 2019 | 74 | 2019 |
Worst-case optimal join algorithms: Techniques, results, and open problems HQ Ngo Proceedings of the 37th ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGAI Symposium on Principles of …, 2018 | 70 | 2018 |