Clive Auton
Clive Auton
Honorary Research Associate British Geological Survey
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Subglacial till: formation, sedimentary characteristics and classification
DJA Evans, ER Phillips, JF Hiemstra, CA Auton
Earth-Science Reviews 78 (1-2), 115-176, 2006
Soil characteristics and landcover relationships on soil hydraulic conductivity at a hillslope scale: A view towards local flood management
NAL Archer, M Bonell, N Coles, AM MacDonald, CA Auton, R Stevenson
Journal of hydrology 497, 208-222, 2013
Microstructures in subglacial and proglacial sediments: understanding faults, folds and fabrics, and the influence of water on the style of deformation
E Phillips, J Merritt, C Auton, N Golledge
Quaternary Science Reviews 26 (11-12), 1499-1528, 2007
Polyphase deformation at an oscillating ice margin following the Loch Lomond Readvance, central Scotland, UK
ER Phillips, DJA Evans, CA Auton
Sedimentary Geology 149 (1-3), 157-182, 2002
Ice-proximal glaciomarine sedimentation and sea-level change in the Inverness area, Scotland: a review of the deglaciation of a major ice stream of the British Late Devensian …
JW Merritt, CA Auton, CR Firth
Quaternary Science Reviews 14 (3), 289-329, 1995
An outline of the lithostratigraphy and depositional history of Quaternary deposits in the Sellafield district, west Cumbria
JW Merritt, CA Auton
Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 53 (2), 129-154, 2000
Relating in situ hydraulic conductivity, particle size and relative density of superficial deposits in a heterogeneous catchment
AM MacDonald, L Maurice, MR Dobbs, HJ Reeves, CA Auton
Journal of Hydrology 434, 130-141, 2012
Cainozoic geology and landscape evolution of north-east Scotland. Memoir of the British Geological Survey, sheets 66E, 67, 76E, 77, 86E, 87W, 87E, 95, 96W, 96E and 97 (Scotland)
JD Merritt, J W, Auton, C A, Connell, E R, Hall, A M, and Peacock
British Geological Survey, Edinburgh, 2003
Micromorphological evidence for polyphase deformation of glaciolacustrine sediments from Strathspey, Scotland
ER Phillips, CA Auton
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 176 (1), 279-292, 2000
Groundwater, flooding and hydrological functioning in the Findhorn floodplain, Scotland
AM MacDonald, DJ Lapworth, AG Hughes, CA Auton, L Maurice, ...
Hydrology Research 45 (6), 755-773, 2014
Mapping groundwater vulnerability in Scotland: a new approach for the Water Framework Directive
BÉ Ó Dochartaigh, DF Ball, AM MacDonald, A Lilly, V Fitzsimons, MD Rio, ...
Scottish Journal of Geology 41 (1), 21-30, 2005
Allt Odhar and Dalcharn: two pre‐Late Devensian/Late Weichselian sites in northern Scotland
MJC Walker, JW Merritt, CA Auton, CR Coope, MH Field, H Heijnis, ...
Journal of Quaternary Science 7 (1), 69-86, 1992
Geological structure as a control on floodplain groundwater dynamics
BÉÓ Dochartaigh, NAL Archer, L Peskett, AM MacDonald, AR Black, ...
Hydrogeology Journal 27 (2), 703-716, 2019
Microstructures developed in subglacially and proglacially deformed sediments: faults, folds and fabrics, and the influence of water on the style of deformation
ER Phillips, JW Merritt, CA Auton, NR Golledge
Quaternary Science Reviews 26 (11-12), 1499-1528, 2007
The Pleistocene depositional history of the Norfolk-Suffolk borderlands
MR Clarke, A CA
Stratigraphical Chart of the United Kingdom: Northern Britain [wallchart].
CN Waters, MC Akhurst, CA Auton, RP Barnes, AJM Barron, MAE Browne, ...
British Geological Survey, 2008
Potential natural changes and implications for a UK GDF
RP Shaw, CA Auton, B Baptie, S Brocklehurst, M Dutton, DJ Evans, ...
British Geological Survey, 2012
Microtextural analysis of a glacially ‘deformed’bedrock: implications for inheritance of preferred clast orientations in diamictons
E Phillips, C Auton
Journal of Quaternary Science: Published for the Quaternary Research …, 2008
Scottish landform examples—6: The Flemington eskers
CA Auton
Scottish Geographical Magazine 108 (3), 190-196, 1992
The utility of conductivity surveying and resistivity sounding in evaluating sand and gravel deposits and mapping drift sequences in northeast Scotland
CA Auton
Engineering Geology 32 (1-2), 11-28, 1992
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