The making of apartheid 1948–1961: Conflict and compromise D Posel Oxford University Press, 1991 | 829 | 1991 |
Race as common sense: Racial classification in twentieth-century South Africa D Posel African Studies Review 44 (2), 87-114, 2001 | 519 | 2001 |
What's in a name? Racial categorisations under apartheid and their afterlife D Posel TRANSFORMATION-DURBAN-, 50-74, 2001 | 435 | 2001 |
Commissioning the Past: Understanding South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission D Posel, G Simpson (No Title), 2002 | 317 | 2002 |
Races to consume: revisiting South Africa's history of race, consumption and the struggle for freedom D Posel Ethnic and racial studies 33 (2), 157-175, 2010 | 254 | 2010 |
Sex, death and the fate of the Nation: reflections on the politicization of sexuality in post-Apartheid South D Posel Africa 75 (2), 125-153, 2005 | 246 | 2005 |
The scandal of manhood:‘Baby rape’and the politicization of sexual violence in post‐apartheid South Africa D Posel Culture, Health & Sexuality 7 (3), 239-252, 2005 | 203 | 2005 |
A companion to racial and ethnic studies DT Goldberg, J Solomos Blackwell, 2002 | 190 | 2002 |
Apartheid's genesis 1935-1962 PL Bonner, P Delius, D Posel (No Title), 1993 | 173 | 1993 |
The TRC Report: What kind of history? What kind of truth? D Posel | 163 | 1999 |
The apartheid project, 1948–1970 D Posel The Cambridge History of South Africa 2 (1), 50-72, 2011 | 142 | 2011 |
Rethinking the ‘race‐class debate’in South African historiography D Posel Social Dynamics 9 (1), 50-66, 1983 | 136 | 1983 |
History as confession: The case of the South African truth and reconciliation commission D Posel Public Culture 20 (1), 119-141, 2008 | 129 | 2008 |
‘Getting the nation talking about sex’: reflections on the discursive constitution of sexuality in South Africa since 1994 D Posel Agenda 18 (62), 53-63, 2004 | 126 | 2004 |
Secrecy as embodied practice: beyond the confessional imperative A Hardon, D Posel Culture, Health & Sexuality 14 (sup1), S1-S13, 2012 | 112 | 2012 |
Getting the nation talking about sex D Posel Reader on African Sexualities, 130 - 144, 2011 | 112* | 2011 |
New South African Keywords N Shepherd, S Robins, SL Robins Ohio University Press, 2008 | 93 | 2008 |
Whiteness and power in the South African civil service: paradoxes of the apartheid state D Posel Journal of Southern African Studies 25 (1), 99-119, 1999 | 91 | 1999 |
Living with death in a time of AIDS: A rural South African case study D Posel, K Kahn, L Walker Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 35 (69_suppl), 138-146, 2007 | 88 | 2007 |
The shaping of apartheid: Contradiction, continuity and popular struggle P Bonner, P Delius, D Posel Apartheid's genesis 1962, 1-41, 1935 | 77 | 1935 |