Mercedes Feriche Fernández-Castanys
Expected ground-RC building structures resonance phenomena in Granada city (Southern Spain)
M Navarro, F Vidal, M Feriche, T Enomoto, FJ Sanchez, I Matsuda
Proceedings of the 13th world conference on earthquake engineering …, 2004
TOMO-ETNA experiment at Etna volcano: activities on land
JM Ibáñez, A Díaz-Moreno, J Prudencio, D Patené, L Zuccarello, ...
Annals of Geophysics 59 (4), 2016
Elaboración de escenarios de daños sísmicos en la ciudad de Granada
M Feriche Fernández-Castanys
Universidad de Granada, 2012
Basic techniques for quick and rapid postearthquake assessments of building safety
F Vidal, M Feriche, A Ontiveros
8th International Workshop on Seismic Microzoning and Risk Reduction …, 2009
Performance of cultural heritage of Lorca (Spain) during the two small earthquakes of May 11th, 2011
M Feriche, F Vidal, G Alguacil, C Aranda, J Pérez-Muelas, M Navarro, ...
Proc. of the 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 24-28, 2012
Earthquake damage scenarios in Vélez—Malaga urban area (Southern Spain) applicable to local emergency planning
M Feriche, F Vidal, R García, M Navarro, MD Vidal, P Montilla, L Piñero
Proceedings of the 8th international workshop on seismic microzoning and …, 2009
Vulnerabilidad y daño en el terremoto de Lorca de 2011. 7ª Asamblea hispano-portuguesa de Geodesia y Geofísica
M Feriche, F Vidal, G Alguacil, M Navarro, C Aranda
San Sebastián, España, 25-28, 2012
Vulnerabilidad y daño en el terremoto de Lorca de 2011
M Feriche, F Vidal, G Alguacil, M Navarro, C Aranda
Actas de la 7ª Asamblea hispano-portuguesa de Geodesia y Geofísica, 2012
Damage assessment on building structures subjected to the recent near-fault earthquake in Lorca (Spain)
J Donaire Ávila, A Benavent Climent, A Escobedo Ruiz, E Oliver Saiz, ...
Industriales, 2012
Seismic microzonation in Adra and Berja Towns, Almeria (Spain)
F Vidal, MD Romacho, M Feriche, M Navarro, N Abeki
Proc. of the 11th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Acapulco, Mexico, 1996
A straightforward method applicable to Earthquake Damage Scenarios and Early Loss Assessment in urban areas of Southern Spain
M Feriche, F Vidal, C Jimenez, M Navarro
Proceedings of the 31st General Assembly of the European Seismological …, 2008
Elaboration of seismic damage scenarios in the city of Granada
M Feriche
PhD. Thesis, 2012
Vs30 structure of Granada town (southern Spain) from ambient noise array observations
M Navarro, JA García-Jerez, F Vidal, T Enomoto, M Feriche
14th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2010
Daños causados en construcciones de Lorca por la serie sísmica de 2011
M Feriche, F Vidal, G Alguacil, M Navarro
Homenaje a la profesora Maria Dolores Romacho Romero. Editorial Universidad …, 2012
Daños producidos por terremotos
M Feriche
Instituto Andaluz de Geofísica y Prevención de Desastres Sísmicos, Granada …, 1994
Damage assessment on building structures subjected to the recent near-fault earthquake in Lorca (Spain)
A Benavent-Climent, J Donaire-Ávila, A Escobedo, E Oliver-Sáiz, ...
15th WCEE, Lisbon, 2012
Parámetros de movimiento intenso y su relación con la intensidad macrosísmica en el área euro-mediterránea
B Olea, G Alguacil, F Vidal, M Feriche
4 Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Sísmica, 2011
El terremoto de Lorca: Mayo 2011. Causas del impacto y primeras medidas. Análisis preliminar. Informe IAGPDS, Universidad de Granada
F Vidal, G Alguacil, M Feriche, C Aranda, J Morales, D Stich, ...
Seismic vulnerability assessment of traditional unreinforced masonry buildings. The case of Granada city (Spain)
F Vidal, M Feriche, A Ruiz, A Ontiveros
Proc. 9th Intern. Workshop on Seismic Microzoning and Risk Reduction, México …, 2010
A Simple Method to evaluate Potential Physical Damage in Urban Areas for Risk Management Purposes
F Vidal, NM Feriche, L Vidal, J Morales
Fifth International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, 529-534, 2008
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