W. Streit Cunningham
W. Streit Cunningham
Postdoctoral Associate, UCSB
在 ucsb.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Dislocation microstructure and its influence on corrosion behavior in laser additively manufactured 316L stainless steel
DJ Sprouster, WS Cunningham, GP Halada, H Yan, A Pattammattel, ...
Additive Manufacturing 47, 102263, 2021
Evidence for a quantum dipole liquid state in an organic quasi–two-dimensional material
N Hassan, S Cunningham, M Mourigal, EI Zhilyaeva, SA Torunova, ...
Science 360 (6393), 1101-1104, 2018
Softening due to grain boundary cavity formation and its competition with hardening in helium implanted nanocrystalline tungsten
WS Cunningham, JM Gentile, O El-Atwani, CN Taylor, M Efe, SA Maloy, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 2897, 2018
In-situ irradiation tolerance investigation of high strength ultrafine tungsten-titanium carbide alloy
O El-Atwani, WS Cunningham, E Esquivel, M Li, JR Trelewicz, ...
Acta Materialia 164, 547-559, 2019
Temperature threshold for preferential bubble formation on grain boundaries in tungsten under in-situ helium irradiation
O El-Atwani, WS Cunningham, D Perez, E Martinez, JR Trelewicz, M Li, ...
Scripta Materialia 180, 6-10, 2020
Revealing the synergistic effects of sequential and simultaneous dual beam irradiations in tungsten via in-situ TEM
O El-Atwani, WS Cunningham, JR Trelewicz, M Li, BD Wirth, SA Maloy
Journal of Nuclear Materials 538, 152150, 2020
Suppressing Irradiation Induced Grain Growth and Defect Accumulation in Nanocrystalline Tungsten through Grain Boundary Doping
WS Cunningham, K Hattar, Y Zhu, DJ Edwards, JR Trelewicz
Acta Materialia, 116629, 2021
In-Situ Helium Implantation and TEM Investigation of Radiation Tolerance to Helium Bubble Damage in Equiaxed Nanocrystalline Tungsten and Ultrafine Tungsten …
O El Atwani, K Unal, WS Cunningham, S Fensin, J Hinks, G Greaves, ...
Materials 13 (3), 794, 2020
Unraveling thermodynamic and kinetic contributions to the stability of doped nanocrystalline alloys using nanometallic multilayers
WS Cunningham, STJ Mascarenhas, JS Riano, W Wang, S Hwang, ...
Advanced Materials 34 (27), 2200354, 2022
Grain boundary softening from stress assisted helium cavity coalescence in ultrafine-grained tungsten
WS Cunningham, Y Zhang, SL Thomas, O El-Atwani, Y Wang, ...
Acta Materialia 252, 118948, 2023
Raman Scattering as a Probe of the Magnetic State of BEDT-TTF Based Mott Insulators
N Hassan, S Cunningham, EI Zhilyaeva, SA Torunova, RN Lyubovskaya, ...
Crystals 8 (6), 233, 2018
Observation of a quantum dipole liquid state in an organic quasi-two-dimensional material
N Hassan, W Cunningham, M Mourigal, E Zhilyaeva, S Torunova, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2018, A44. 014, 2018
Fabrication of Neutron Absorbing Metal Hydride Entrained Ceramic Matrix Shield Composites
D Bhardwaj, B Cheng, D Sprouster, WS Cunningham, JR Trelewicz, ...
Frontiers in Nuclear Engineering 3, 1352667, 2024
High-throughput assessment of the microstructural stability of segregation-engineered nanocrystalline Al-Ni-Y alloys
WS Cunningham, J Shin, T Lei, TJ Rupert, DS Gianola
Materialia 32, 101940, 2023
Sintered nanostructured alloys for advanced fusion energy applications
DJ Sprouster, J Gentile, M Ouyang, C Killeen, JR Trelewicz, W Zhong, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 586, 154683, 2023
Alloying Effects on the Microstructure and Properties of Laser Additively Manufactured Tungsten Materials
WS Cunningham, E Lang, DJ Sprouster, N Olynik, A Pattammattel, D Olds, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.02034, 2023
In-situ Evaluation of Helium Bubble Migration and Coalescence in Tungsten Heavy Alloys
E Lang, S Tyler, S Cunningham, D Sprouster, J Trelewicz, I McCue, ...
Microscopy and Microanalysis 29 (Supplement_1), 1541-1542, 2023
Unraveling Thermodynamic and Kinetic Contributions to the Stability of Doped Nanocrystalline Alloys using Nanometallic Multilayers (Adv. Mater. 27/2022)
WS Cunningham, STJ Mascarenhas, JS Riano, W Wang, S Hwang, ...
Advanced Materials 34 (27), 2270206, 2022
In-situ TEM of the Microstructure and He Behavior of AM W Alloys.
E Lang, WS Cunningham, I McCue, J Trelewicz, K Hattar
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 2022
In-situ Irradiation, Helium Implantation and Heating to Elucidate Mechanisms in Tungsten Alloys
K Hattar, E Lang, WS Cunningham, S Mathaudhu, J Trelewicz
Microscopy and Microanalysis 27 (S1), 2636-2638, 2021
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