Characterization of a hemp-based agro-material: Influence of starch ratio and hemp shive size on physical, mechanical, and hygrothermal properties A Bourdot, T Moussa, A Gacoin, C Maalouf, P Vazquez, ... Energy and Buildings 153, 501-512, 2017 | 97 | 2017 |
Urban heat island: Causes, consequences, and mitigation measures with emphasis on reflective and permeable pavements S Vujovic, B Haddad, H Karaky, N Sebaibi, M Boutouil CivilEng 2 (2), 459-484, 2021 | 92 | 2021 |
Characterization of beet-pulp fiber reinforced potato starch biopolymer composites for building applications H Karaky, C Maalouf, C Bliard, A Gacoin, M Lachi, N El Wakil, G Polidori Construction and Building Materials 203, 711-721, 2019 | 26 | 2019 |
Hygrothermal and acoustical performance of starch-beet pulp composites for building thermal insulation H Karaky, C Maalouf, C Bliard, T Moussa, N El Wakil, M Lachi, G Polidori Materials 11 (9), 1622, 2018 | 19 | 2018 |
Investigation properties of pervious and water-retaining recycled concrete to mitigate urban heat island phenomena B Haddad, H Karaky, M Boutouil, B Boudart, N Sebaibi Sustainability 15 (6), 5384, 2023 | 6 | 2023 |
Mechanical and thermal characterization of a beet pulp-starch composite for building applications H Karpaky, C Maalouf, C Bliard, A Gacoin, M Lachi, G Polidori E3S web of conferences 85, 08005, 2019 | 5 | 2019 |
Élaboration et caractérisation physique et hygrothermique d'un agro-matériau à base de pulpe de betterave et d'amidon. H Karaky Reims, 2018 | 4 | 2018 |
Elaboration and physical characterization of an agro-material based on sugar beet pulp and potato starch H Karaky, C Maalouf, C Bliard, G Polidori Academic Journal of Civil Engineering 35 (2), 606-612, 2017 | 4 | 2017 |
Caractérisation de la pulpe de betterave sucrière Beta vulgaris et matériaux composites Pulpe-amidon H KARAKY, C MAALOUF, C BLIARD, G POLIDORI | | |
Recycled fresh pavement to mitigate urban heat island B Haddad, H Karaky, M Boutouil, N SEBAIBI | | |