Glosario botánico ilustrado NP Moreno | 346 | 1984 |
An examination of change in teacher self-efficacy beliefs in science education based on the duration of inservice activities JK Roberts, RK Henson, BZ Tharp, NP Moreno Journal of Science Teacher Education 12 (3), 199-213, 2001 | 200 | 2001 |
Preparing students for middle school through after-school STEM activities NP Moreno, BZ Tharp, G Vogt, AD Newell, CA Burnett Journal of Science Education and Technology 25, 889-897, 2016 | 107 | 2016 |
Flora de Veracruz: Zamiaceae AP Vovides Xolapa: Instituto Nacional...,, 1983 | 93* | 1983 |
Students' attitudes toward science as predictors of gains on student content knowledge: Benefits of an after‐school program AD Newell, LR Zientek, BZ Tharp, GL Vogt, NP Moreno School science and Mathematics 115 (5), 216-225, 2015 | 90 | 2015 |
K-12 science education reform—a primer for scientists NP Moreno BioScience 49 (7), 569-576, 1999 | 81 | 1999 |
Points of View: Effective Partnerships Between K-12 and Higher Education: Building Successful Partnerships Between K-12 and Universities D Tomanek Cell Biology Education 4 (1), 28-29, 2005 | 74* | 2005 |
Points of view: Effective partnerships between K-12 and higher education: Science education partnerships: Being realistic about meeting expectations N Moreno Cell Biology Education 4 (1), 30-32, 2005 | 40 | 2005 |
An approach to improving science knowledge about energy balance and nutrition among elementary-and middle-school students NP Moreno, JP Denk, JK Roberts, BZ Tharp, M Bost, WA Thomson Cell biology education 3 (2), 122-130, 2004 | 38 | 2004 |
An interdisciplinary national program developed at Baylor to make science exciting for all K-5 students NP Moreno, BZ Tharp Academic Medicine 74 (4), 345-7, 1999 | 29 | 1999 |
Conocimiento A Martínez, C Espino, N Moreno Obtenido de https://conceptodefinicion. de/conocimiento, 2021 | 28 | 2021 |
Advancing holistic review for faculty recruitment and advancement TB Harris, WA Thomson, NP Moreno, S Conrad, SE White, GH Young, ... Academic Medicine 93 (11), 1658-1662, 2018 | 23 | 2018 |
The Elizabeth towns incident: An inquiry-based approach to learning anatomy developed through high school-university collaboration JG Marx, KA Honeycutt, SR Clayton, NP Moreno The American Biology Teacher, 140-147, 2006 | 23 | 2006 |
Boraginaceae DL Nash, NP Moreno Fascículo 18;, 1981 | 20 | 1981 |
How do students learn science NP Moreno, BZ Tharp Teaching science in the 21st century, 291-305, 2006 | 16 | 2006 |
Teaming up with scientists NP Moreno, KA Chang, BZ Tharp, JP Denk Science and Children 39 (1), 42, 2001 | 16 | 2001 |
Caricaceae NP Moreno Fasciculo 10;, 1980 | 14 | 1980 |
Flora of Veracruz: Progress and prospects A Gómez-Pompa Instituto de Ecología; Biology Department-The University Southampton, 1984 | 13 | 1984 |
Indagación de la mutación F508 en pacientes con fibrosis quística atendidos en el servicio de neumonología pediátrica de la Ciudad Hospitalaria" Dr. Enrique Tejera"(Valencia … E Torres, J Martínez, M Rolo, M Baeta, S Sánchez, J Meza, J Sánchez, ... Salus 8 (3), 10-16, 2004 | 12 | 2004 |
Addressing science teacher needs NP Moreno, DB Erdmann Science 327 (5973), 1589-1590, 2010 | 11 | 2010 |