Aditya Simha
Ethical climates and their effects on organizational outcomes: Implications from the past and prophecies for the future
A Simha, JB Cullen
Academy of management perspectives 26 (4), 20-34, 2012
The moderated relationship between job burnout and organizational cynicism
A Simha, D F. Elloy, HC Huang
Management decision 52 (3), 482-504, 2014
The Big 5 Personality Traits and Willingness to Justify Unethical Behavior—A Cross-National Examination
A Simha, KP Parboteeah
Journal of Business Ethics 167, 451-471, 2020
Biorobotic AUV maneuvering by pectoral fins: inverse control design based on CFD parameterization
SN Singh, A Simha, R Mittal
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 29 (3), 777-785, 2004
The effects of ethical climates on trust in supervisor and trust in organization in a Polish context
A Simha, A Stachowicz-Stanusch
Management Decision 53 (1), 24-39, 2015
An empirical investigation of the effects of ethical climates on organizational corruption
A Stachowicz-Stanusch, A Simha
Journal of Business Economics and Management 14 (sup1), S433-S446, 2013
Straight from the horse’s mouth: Auditors’ on fraud detection and prevention, roles of technology, and white-collars getting splattered with red!
A Simha, S Satyanarayan
Journal of Accounting and Finance 16 (1), 26-44, 2016
Who leads and who lags? A comparison of cheating attitudes and behaviors among leadership and business students
A Simha, JP Armstrong, JF Albert
Journal of Education for Business 87 (6), 316-324, 2012
The Mediating Role of Burnout in the Relationships between Perceived Fit, Leader-Member Exchange, Psychological Illness, and Job Performance
CS Huang, A Simha
International Journal of Stress Management, 2018
V for volunteer (ing)—The journeys of undergraduate volunteers
A Simha, LN Topuzova, JF Albert
Journal of Academic Ethics 9, 107-126, 2011
The value of original source readings in management education: The case of Frederick Winslow Taylor
A Simha, DJ Lemak
Journal of Management History 16 (2), 233-252, 2010
Trust, ethical climate and nurses’ turnover intention
A Simha, J Pandey
Nursing Ethics, 2020
The link between ethical climates and managerial success: A study in a Polish context
A Simha, A Stachowicz-Stanusch
Journal of business ethics 114, 55-59, 2013
Effect of gender and clinical-financial vulnerability on mental distress due to COVID-19
A Simha, R Prasad, S Ahmed, NP Rao
Archives of Women's Mental Health 23 (6), 775-777, 2020
Attitudes and behaviors of academic dishonesty and cheating—Do ethics education and ethics training affect either attitudes or behaviors?
A Simha, JP Armstrong, JF Albert
Journal of Business Ethics Education 9, 129-144, 2012
A moderated-mediated examination of the relations among strategic planning, organizational learning, slack and firm performance
D Rau, L Flores, A Simha
Management Decision, 2020
A comprehensive literature review on cheating
A Simha, JB Cullen
International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education (IJCEE) 2 (4), 24-44, 2012
The Encyclical Letter (Caritas in Veritate)—A Shout-out to Social Entrepreneurship?
A Simha, MR Carey
The Journal of Entrepreneurship 21 (1), 1-23, 2012
Supervisors’ Value Orientations and Ethics: A Cross-National Analysis
C Chen, HH Yu, KV Tuliao, A Simha, YY Chang
Journal of Business Ethics, 2019
Effect of national cultural dimensions and consumption rates on stigma towards alcohol and substance use disorders
A Simha, S Ahmed, R Prasad, AS Dinesh, A Kandasamy, NP Rao
International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 2021
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