Strange relatives of the third kind A Grosu, F Landman Natural language semantics 6 (2), 125-170, 1998 | 602 | 1998 |
On the distribution of genitive phrases in Rumanian A Grosu Linguistics 26 (6), 931-950, 1988 | 192 | 1988 |
Strange relatives at the interface of two millennia A Grosu Glot International 6 (6), 145-167, 2002 | 138 | 2002 |
Three studies in locality and case A Grosu Routledge, 2003 | 135 | 2003 |
A Unified Theory ofStandard'andTransparent'Free Relatives A Grosu Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 21 (2), 247-331, 2003 | 133 | 2003 |
On the nonunitary nature of the coordinate structure constraint A Grosu Linguistic Inquiry 4 (1), 88-92, 1973 | 106 | 1973 |
The strategic content of island constraints A Grosu The Ohio State University, 1972 | 95 | 1972 |
The proper analysis of" missing-P" free relative constructions A Grosu Linguistic inquiry, 257-293, 1996 | 89 | 1996 |
Aspects of the copula in Modern Hebrew R Berman, A Grosu Studies in Modern Hebrew syntax and semantics, 265-285, 1976 | 87 | 1976 |
The syntax-semantics of modal existential wh constructions A Grosu Balkan syntax and semantics, 405-438, 2004 | 78 | 2004 |
The GB theory and raising in Rumanian A Grosu, J Horvath Linguistic Inquiry, 348-353, 1984 | 65 | 1984 |
Constraints on the distribution of NP clauses A Grosu, SA Thompson Language, 104-151, 1977 | 65 | 1977 |
Approaches to island phenomena A Grosu (No Title), 1981 | 60 | 1981 |
Pied piping and the matching parameter A Grosu Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York 6 (1), 41-58, 1987 | 55 | 1987 |
On the status of the so-called Right Roof Constraint A Grosu Language, 294-311, 1973 | 55 | 1973 |
A note on subject raising to object and right node raising A Grosu Linguistic Inquiry 7 (4), 642-645, 1976 | 54 | 1976 |
On the nature of the left branch condition A Grosu Linguistic Inquiry 5 (2), 308-319, 1974 | 53 | 1974 |
Towards a more articulated typology of internally headed relative constructions: The semantics connection A Grosu Language and Linguistics Compass 6 (7), 447-476, 2012 | 43 | 2012 |
The gifted mathematician that you claim to be: Equational intensional ‘reconstruction’ relatives A Grosu, M Krifka Linguistics and Philosophy 30, 445-485, 2007 | 43 | 2007 |
A quantificational disclosure approach to Japanese and Korean internally headed relatives A Grosu, F Landman Journal of East Asian Linguistics 21, 159-196, 2012 | 42 | 2012 |