Dong-Kyu Kim
Dong-Kyu Kim
在 snu.ac.kr 的电子邮件经过验证
Travel time prediction using k nearest neighbor method with combined data from vehicle detector system and automatic toll collection system
J Myung, DK Kim, SY Kho, CH Park
Transportation Research Record 2256 (1), 51-59, 2011
Hierarchical ordered model for injury severity of pedestrian crashes in South Korea
M Kim, SY Kho, DK Kim
Journal of safety research 61, 33-40, 2017
Extracting vehicle trajectories using unmanned aerial vehicles in congested traffic conditions
EJ Kim, HC Park, SW Ham, SY Kho, DK Kim
Journal of Advanced Transportation 2019 (1), 9060797, 2019
Efficiency analysis on bus companies in Seoul city using a network DEA model
JS Hahn, DK Kim, HC Kim, C Lee
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 17, 1480-1488, 2013
Analysis of injury severity in traffic crashes: a case study of Korean expressways
S Park, K Jang, SH Park, DK Kim, KS Chon
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 16, 1280-1288, 2012
Evaluation of transfer efficiency between bus and subway based on data envelopment analysis using smart card data
EH Lee, H Lee, SY Kho, DK Kim
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 23, 788-799, 2019
Spatiotemporal demand prediction model for e-scooter sharing services with latent feature and deep learning
SW Ham, JH Cho, S Park, DK Kim
Transportation research record 2675 (11), 34-43, 2021
Tourists’ preference on the combination of travel modes under Mobility-as-a-Service environment
EJ Kim, Y Kim, S Jang, DK Kim
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 150, 236-255, 2021
Cross-classified multilevel models for severity of commercial motor vehicle crashes considering heterogeneity among companies and regions
HC Park, DK Kim, SY Kho, PY Park
Accident Analysis & Prevention 106, 305-314, 2017
A comparative analysis of the users of private cars and public transportation for intermodal options under Mobility-as-a-Service in Seoul
Y Kim, EJ Kim, S Jang, DK Kim
Travel Behaviour and Society 24, 68-80, 2021
Effect of regional characteristics on injury severity in local bus crashes: use of hierarchical ordered model
S Yoon, SY Kho, DK Kim
Transportation research record 2647 (1), 1-8, 2017
Assessing transit competitiveness in Seoul considering actual transit travel times based on smart card data
H Lee, HC Park, SY Kho, DK Kim
Journal of Transport Geography 80, 102546, 2019
Frequency design in urban transit networks with variable demand: model and algorithm
GS Yoo, DK Kim, KS Chon
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 14, 403-411, 2010
Effects of speed humps on vehicle speed and pedestrian crashes in South Korea
J Yeo, J Lee, J Cho, DK Kim, K Jang
Journal of safety research 75, 78-86, 2020
Effects of spatial aggregation level on an urban transportation planning model
JH Jeon, SY Kho, JJ Park, DK Kim
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 16, 835-844, 2012
Valuation of metro crowding considering heterogeneity of route choice behaviors
H Shin, DK Kim, SY Kho, SH Cho
Transportation Research Record 2675 (2), 162-173, 2021
Sustainability evaluation of rapid routes for buses with a network DEA model
JS Hahn, SY Kho, K Choi, DK Kim
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 11 (9), 659-669, 2017
Interpretable machine-learning models for estimating trip purpose in smart card data
EJ Kim, Y Kim, DK Kim
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Municipal Engineer 174 (2 …, 2021
Safety performance functions reflecting categorical impact of exposure variables for freeways
D Kim, DK Kim, C Lee
Transportation research record 2398 (1), 67-74, 2013
Injury severity of bus–pedestrian crashes in South Korea considering the effects of regional and company factors
HC Park, YJ Joo, SY Kho, DK Kim, BJ Park
Sustainability 11 (11), 3169, 2019
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