Larissa True
Larissa True
Associate Professor of Kinesiology, New Mexico State University
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Identifying a motor proficiency barrier for meeting physical activity guidelines in children
A De Meester, D Stodden, J Goodway, L True, A Brian, R Ferkel, ...
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 21 (1), 58-62, 2018
Associations among elementary school children’s actual motor competence, perceived motor competence, physical activity and BMI: A cross-sectional study
A De Meester, D Stodden, A Brian, L True, G Cardon, I Tallir, L Haerens
PloS one 11 (10), e0164600, 2016
Associations among selected motor skills and health-related fitness: indirect evidence for Seefeldt's proficiency barrier in young adults?
DF Stodden, LK True, SJ Langendorfer, Z Gao
Research quarterly for exercise and sport 84 (3), 397-403, 2013
A narrative review of motor competence in children and adolescents: What we know and what we need to find out
L Lopes, R Santos, M Coelho-e-Silva, C Draper, J Mota, B Jidovtseff, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (1), 18, 2021
Validity and reliability evidence for motor competence assessments in children and adolescents: A systematic review
RM Hulteen, LM Barnett, L True, NJ Lander, B del Pozo Cruz, C Lonsdale
Journal of sports sciences 38 (15), 1717-1798, 2020
Motor competence and characteristics within the preschool environment
L True, KA Pfeiffer, M Dowda, HG Williams, WH Brown, JR O’Neill, ...
Journal of science and medicine in sport 20 (8), 751-755, 2017
Reconceptualizing and operationalizing Seefeldt’s proficiency barrier: Applications and future directions
A Brian, N Getchell, L True, A De Meester, DF Stodden
Sports Medicine 50 (11), 1889-1900, 2020
Relationships between product-and process-oriented measures of motor competence and perceived competence
L True, A Brian, J Goodway, D Stodden
Journal of Motor Learning and Development 5 (2), 319-335, 2017
Motor competence and health-related fitness in children: a cross-cultural comparison between Portugal and the United States
C Luz, R Cordovil, LP Rodrigues, Z Gao, JD Goodway, RS Sacko, ...
Journal of Sport and Health Science 8 (2), 130-136, 2019
Differences in associations of product-and process-oriented motor competence assessments with physical activity in children
RM Hulteen, L True, KA Pfeiffer
Journal of sports sciences 38 (4), 375-382, 2020
Universally designed motor skill intervention for children with and without disabilities
SA Taunton, A Brian, L True
Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities 29 (6), 941-954, 2017
Beyond “fun”: The real need in physical education
RC Ferkel, S Razon, LW Judge, L True
The Physical Educator 74 (2), 2017
Tracking of physical fitness components from childhood to adolescence: A longitudinal study
L True, EM Martin, KA Pfeiffer, SR Siegel, CF Branta, J Haubenstricker, ...
Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science 25 (1), 22-34, 2021
The Benefits of Health-Related Fitness Education in Secondary PE
RC Ferkel, ZT Hutchinson, S Razon, L True, D Zupin, LM Jones, ...
Physical Educator 76 (4), 883-906, 2019
Methods of the Michigan State University motor performance study
KA Pfeiffer, L True, E Martin, SR Siegel, CF Branta, J Haubenstricker, ...
Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science 25 (1), 15-21, 2021
Four weeks of off-season training improves peak oxygen consumption in female field hockey players
LT Funch, E Lind, L True, D Van Langen, JT Foley, JF Hokanson
Sports 5 (4), 89, 2017
Developmental sequences for observing and assessing forceful kicking
RS Sacko, T Utesch, R Cordovil, A De Meester, R Ferkel, L True, Z Gao, ...
European Physical Education Review 27 (3), 493-511, 2021
Is What You See What You Get? Perceptions of Personal Trainers' Competence, Knowledge, and Preferred Sex of Personal Trainer Relative to Physique
PR Boerner, KM Polasek, L True, E Lind, JL Hendrick
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 35 (7), 1949-1955, 2021
Childhood physical fitness and performance as predictors of high school sport participation
RA Battista, ED Bouldin, KA Pfeiffer, CE Pacewicz, SR Siegel, EM Martin, ...
Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science 25 (1), 43-52, 2021
Trust the “Process”? When Fundamental Motor Skill Scores are Reliably Unreliable
RM Hulteen, L True, E Kroc
Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 1-12, 2023
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