Jianbo Gao
Detecting dynamical changes in time series using the permutation entropy
YC Cao, W Tung, JB Gao, VA Protopopescu, LM Hively
PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 046217, 2004
Multiscale analysis of complex time series: integration of chaos and random fractal theory, and beyond
J Gao, Y Cao, W Tung, J Hu
John Wiley & Sons, 2007
Denoising nonlinear time series by adaptive filtering and wavelet shrinkage: a comparison
J Gao, H Sultan, J Hu, WW Tung
IEEE signal processing letters 17 (3), 237-240, 2009
On the structures and quantification of recurrence plots
J Gao, H Cai
Physics letters A 270 (1-2), 75-87, 2000
When can noise induce chaos?
JB Gao, SK Hwang, JM Liu
Physical review letters 82 (6), 1132, 1999
Detection of low observable targets within sea clutter by structure function based multifractal analysis
J Hu, WW Tung, J Gao
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 54 (1), 136-143, 2006
Analysis of biomedical signals by the Lempel-Ziv complexity: the effect of finite data size
J Hu, J Gao, JC Principe
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 53 (12), 2606-2609, 2006
Recurrence time statistics for chaotic systems and their applications
JB Gao
Physical review letters 83 (16), 3178, 1999
Assessment of long-range correlation in time series: how to avoid pitfalls
J Gao, J Hu, WW Tung, Y Cao, N Sarshar, VP Roychowdhury
Physical Review E 73 (1), 016117, 2006
Toward hardware-redundant, fault-tolerant logic for nanoelectronics
J Han, J Gao, P Jonker, Y Qi, JAB Fortes
IEEE Design & Test of Computers 22 (4), 328-339, 2005
Facilitating joint chaos and fractal analysis of biosignals through nonlinear adaptive filtering
J Gao, J Hu, W Tung
PloS one 6 (9), e24331, 2011
Distinguishing chaos from noise by scale-dependent Lyapunov exponent
JB Gao, J Hu, WW Tung, YH Cao
Physical Review E 74 (6), 066204, 2006
Direct dynamical test for deterministic chaos and optimal embedding of a chaotic time series
J Gao, Z Zheng
Physical Review E 49 (5), 3807, 1994
Multifractal analysis of sunspot time series: the effects of the 11-year cycle and Fourier truncation
J Hu, J Gao, X Wang
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2009 (02), P02066, 2009
Culturomics meets random fractal theory: insights into long-range correlations of social and natural phenomena over the past two centuries
J Gao, J Hu, X Mao, M Perc
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 9 (73), 1956-1964, 2012
Complexity measures of brain wave dynamics
J Gao, J Hu, W Tung
Cognitive neurodynamics 5, 171-182, 2011
A tutorial introduction to adaptive fractal analysis
MA Riley, S Bonnette, N Kuznetsov, S Wallot, J Gao
Frontiers in physiology 3, 32137, 2012
Perceptual dominance time distributions in multistable visual perception
YH Zhou, JB Gao, KD White, I Merk, K Yao
Biological cybernetics 90, 256-263, 2004
Local exponential divergence plot and optimal embedding of a chaotic time series
J Gao, Z Zheng
Physics Letters A 181 (2), 153-158, 1993
Shannon and Renyi entropies to classify effects of mild traumatic brain injury on postural sway
J Gao, J Hu, T Buckley, K White, C Hass
PLoS One 6 (9), e24446, 2011
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