Duncan McRee
Duncan McRee
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XtalView/Xfit—a versatile program for manipulating atomic coordinates and electron density
DE McRee
Journal of structural biology 125 (2-3), 156-165, 1999
Self-assembling organic nanotubes based on a cyclic peptide architecture
MR Ghadiri, JR Granja, RA Milligan, DE McRee, N Khazanovich
Nature 366 (6453), 324-327, 1993
Mammalian microsomal cytochrome P450 monooxygenase: structural adaptations for membrane binding and functional diversity
PA Williams, J Cosme, V Sridhar, EF Johnson, DE McRee
Molecular cell 5 (1), 121-131, 2000
Structural snapshots of human HDAC8 provide insights into the class I histone deacetylases
JR Somoza, RJ Skene, BA Katz, C Mol, JD Ho, AJ Jennings, C Luong, ...
Structure 12 (7), 1325-1334, 2004
Practical protein crystallography
DE McRee
Elsevier, 1999
A visual protein crystallographic software system for X11/XView
DE McRee
Journal of Molecular Graphics 10 (1), 44-46, 1992
Structure of a protein photocycle intermediate by millisecond time-resolved crystallography
UK Genick, GEO Borgstahl, K Ng, Z Ren, C Pradervand, PM Burke, ...
Science 275 (5305), 1471-1475, 1997
Refined crystal structure of Cd, Zn metallothionein at 2.0 Åresolution
AH Robbins, DE McRee, M Williamson, SA Collett, NH Xuong, WF Furey, ...
Journal of molecular biology 221 (4), 1269-1293, 1991
Atomic structure of the DNA repair [4Fe-4S] enzyme endonuclease III
CF Kuo, DE McRee, CL Fisher, SF O'Handley, RP Cunningham, ...
Science 258 (5081), 434-440, 1992
The Asp-His-iron triad of cytochrome c peroxidase controls the reduction potential electronic structure, and coupling of the tryptophan free radical to the heme
DB Goodin, DE McRee
Biochemistry 32 (13), 3313-3324, 1993
Structure of a c-kit product complex reveals the basis for kinase transactivation
CD Mol, KB Lim, V Sridhar, H Zou, EYT Chien, BC Sang, J Nowakowski, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 278 (34), 31461-31464, 2003
Nanoscale tubular ensembles with specified internal diameters. Design of a self-assembled nanotube with a 13-. ANG. pore
N Khazanovich, JR Granja, DE McRee, RA Milligan, MR Ghadiri
Journal of the American Chemical Society 116 (13), 6011-6012, 1994
A copper (I)-catalyzed 1, 2, 3-triazole azide− alkyne click compound is a potent inhibitor of a multidrug-resistant HIV-1 protease variant
MJ Giffin, H Heaslet, A Brik, YC Lin, G Cauvi, CH Wong, DE McRee, ...
Journal of medicinal chemistry 51 (20), 6263-6270, 2008
The structural and thermodynamic basis for the formation of self‐assembled peptide nanotubes
MR Ghadiri, K Kobayashi, JR Granja, RK Chadha, DE McRee
Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English 34 (1), 93-95, 1995
Structures of the cancer-related Aurora-A, FAK, and EphA2 protein kinases from nanovolume crystallography
J Nowakowski, CN Cronin, DE McRee, MW Knuth, CG Nelson, ...
Structure 10 (12), 1659-1667, 2002
Cylindrical β-sheet peptide assemblies
TD Clark, JM Buriak, K Kobayashi, MP Isler, DE McRee, MR Ghadiri
Journal of the American Chemical Society 120 (35), 8949-8962, 1998
Structure of Haemophilus influenzae Fe+3-binding protein reveals convergent evolution within a superfamily
CM Bruns, AJ Nowalk, AS Arvai, MA McTigue, KG Vaughan, TA Mietzner, ...
Nature structural biology 4 (11), 919-924, 1997
Crystal structure of a human aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase cytokine
XL Yang, RJ Skene, DE McRee, P Schimmel
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (24), 15369-15374, 2002
Crystal structure of Aplysia ADP ribosyl cyclase, a homologue of the bifunctional ectozyme CD38
GS Prasad, DE McRee, EA Stura, DG Levitt, HC Lee, CD Stout
Nature structural biology 3 (11), 957-964, 1996
Microsomal cytochrome P450 2C5: comparison to microbial P450s and unique features
PA Williams, J Cosme, V Sridhar, EF Johnson, DE McRee
Journal of inorganic biochemistry 81 (3), 183-190, 2000
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