wanbing zhao
wanbing zhao
在 buaa.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Robust control for quadrotors with multiple time-varying uncertainties and delays
H Liu, W Zhao, Z Zuo, Y Zhong
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64 (2), 1303-1312, 2016
Data-driven fault-tolerant control for attitude synchronization of nonlinear quadrotors
W Zhao, H Liu, FL Lewis
IEEE Transactions on Automatic control 66 (11), 5584-5591, 2021
Robust formation control for cooperative underactuated quadrotors via reinforcement learning
W Zhao, H Liu, FL Lewis
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 32 (10), 4577-4587, 2020
Data-driven optimal formation control for quadrotor team with unknown dynamics
W Zhao, H Liu, FL Lewis, X Wang
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 52 (8), 7889-7898, 2021
Robust visual servoing control for ground target tracking of quadrotors
W Zhao, H Liu, FL Lewis, KP Valavanis, X Wang
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 28 (5), 1980-1987, 2019
Robust visual servoing formation tracking control for quadrotor UAV team
H Liu, Y Lyu, W Zhao
Aerospace Science and Technology 106, 106061, 2020
Robust backstepping‐based trajectory tracking control for quadrotors with time delays
H Liu, W Zhao, S Hong, FL Lewis, Y Yu
IET Control Theory & Applications 13 (12), 1945-1954, 2019
Fault-tolerant formation control for heterogeneous vehicles via reinforcement learning
W Zhao, H Liu, KP Valavanis, FL Lewis
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 58 (4), 2796-2806, 2021
Robust visual servoing control for quadrotors landing on a moving target
W Zhao, H Liu, X Wang
Journal of the Franklin Institute 358 (4), 2301-2319, 2021
Data-driven formation control for multiple heterogeneous vehicles in air–ground coordination
W Zhao, H Liu, Y Wan, Z Lin
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 9 (4), 1851-1862, 2022
Robust optimal formation control of heterogeneous multi-agent system via reinforcement learning
W Lin, W Zhao, H Liu
IEEE Access 8, 218424-218432, 2020
Attitude synchronization for multiple quadrotors using reinforcement learning
H Liu, W Zhao, FL Lewis, ZP Jiang, H Modares
2019 Chinese Control Conference (CCC), 2480-2483, 2019
Data-driven fault-tolerant formation control for nonlinear quadrotors under multiple simultaneous actuator faults
W Zhao, H Liu, Y Wan
Systems & Control Letters 158, 105063, 2021
Adaptive event-triggered coordination control of unknown autonomous underwater vehicles under communication link faults
W Zhao, Y Xia, DH Zhai, B Cui
Automatica 158, 111277, 2023
Model‐free attitude synchronization for multiple heterogeneous quadrotors via reinforcement learning
W Zhao, H Liu, B Wang
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 36 (6), 2528-2547, 2021
Vision-based robust position control for ground target tracking and hovering of quadrotors
W Zhao, H Liu, X Wang
2018 37th Chinese control conference (CCC), 3751-3755, 2018
Optimal formation control for a quadrotor team under switching topologies via reinforcement learning
H Liu, W Zhao, J Xi
2021 4th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems …, 2021
Fault-Tolerant Control for the Formation of Multiple Unknown Nonlinear Quadrotors via Reinforcement Learning
W Zhao, H Liu, FL Lewis
IFAC-PapersOnLine 53 (2), 2465-2470, 2020
Robust trajectory tracking control for tail-sitter UAVs
L Deyuan, L Hao, L Zhaoying, Z Wanbing
2018 37th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), 2538-2542, 2018
Data-based formation control for underactuated quadrotor team via reinforcement learning
H Liu, W Zhao, FL Lewis, ZP Jiang, H Modares
2020 39th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), 6816-6821, 2020
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