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Probiyotikler: tanımı, etki mekanizması, seçim ve güvenilirlik kriterleri İ ÇAKIR, ML ÇAKMAKÇI GIDA 29 (6), 427-434, 2004 | 61 | 2004 |
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Molecular Differentiation of Lactococcus lactis Subspecies lactis and cremoris Strains by Ribotyping and Site Specific-PCR P Basaran, N Basaran, I Cakir Current Microbiology 42, 45-48, 2001 | 35 | 2001 |
The utility of iPBS retrotransposons markers to analyze genetic variation in yeast F Aydın, G Özer, M Alkan, İ Çakır International Journal of Food Microbiology 325, 108647, 2020 | 28 | 2020 |
Microencapsulation of phages to analyze their demeanor in physiological conditions E Acar Soykut, EK Tayyarcan, Ş Evran, İH Boyacı, İ Çakır, M Khaaladi, ... Folia microbiologica 64, 751-763, 2019 | 25 | 2019 |
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Introducing a traditional dairy product Keș: chemical, microbiological, and sensorial properties and fatty acid composition. İ Çakır, H Coșkun, İT Akoğlu, MF İșleyen, M Kıralan, A Bayrak | 19 | 2009 |
An alternative approach for enumeration of Escherichia coli in foods I Cakir, HB Dogan, AK Halkman, RW Worobo International journal of food microbiology 68 (3), 217-223, 2001 | 19 | 2001 |
Technological properties of indigenous wine yeast strains isolated from wine production regions of Turkey S Bağder Elmacı, F Özçelik, M Tokatlı, İ Çakır Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 105, 835-847, 2014 | 18 | 2014 |
Bolu ve çevresinde üretilen ve geleneksel bir süt ürünü olan Keş’in yapılışı H Coşkun, A Bayrak, İ Çakır, İT Akoğlu, M Kıralan, F İşleyen, B Gölköy Dünya Gıda Dergisi 13, 42-48, 2008 | 18 | 2008 |
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Antibacterial and antifungal activities of some lactic acid bacteria isolated from naturally fermented herbs I Cakir J Food Agric Environ 8, 223-226, 2010 | 17 | 2010 |