Marouane Bouadi
Marouane Bouadi
Assistant Professor, Hefei University of Technology
在 bjtu.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Stochastic factors and string stability of traffic flow: Analytical investigation and numerical study based on car-following models
M Bouadi, B Jia, R Jiang, X Li, ZY Gao
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 165, 96-122, 2022
The investigation of the reentrance phenomenon in cellular automaton traffic flow model
M Bouadi, K Jetto, A Benyoussef, A El Kenz
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 469, 1-14, 2017
Lane-based multi-class vehicle collaborative evacuation management
J Liu, R Jiang, X Li, B Jia, Z Liu, M Bouadi
Transportmetrica B: transport dynamics 10 (1), 184-206, 2022
The effect of lateral interaction on traffic flow
M Bouadi, K Jetto, A Benyoussef, A Kenz
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 460, 76-87, 2016
Traffic flow stability in stochastic second-order macroscopic continuum model
M Bouadi, B Jia, R Jiang, X Li, ZY Gao
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 164, 193-209, 2022
Optimizing sensitivity parameters of automated driving vehicles in an open heterogeneous traffic flow system
M Bouadi, B Jia, R Jiang, X Li, Z Gao
Transportmetrica A: transport science 18 (3), 762-806, 2022
A parsimonious enhanced Newell’s model for accurate reproduction of driver and traffic dynamics
ST Zheng, R Jiang, B Jia, J Tian, M Bouadi, MA Makridis, A Kouvelas
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 154, 104276, 2023
String Stability Analysis of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control Vehicles Considering Multi-Anticipation and Communication Delay
M Bouadi, R Jiang, B Jia, ST Zheng
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2024
The investigation of the lateral interaction effect's on traffic flow behavior under open boundaries
M Bouadi, K Jetto, A Benyoussef, A El Kenz
Physics Letters A 381 (42), 3613-3620, 2017
The effect of anisotropy on the traffic flow behavior: Investigation of the correlation created by a single node on two-lane roads
Z Tahiri, K Jetto, M Bouadi, A Benyoussef, AE Kenz
International Journal of Modern Physics C 31 (04), 2050060, 2020
An investigation of the traffic flow behavior under open boundary conditions: a new injection strategy of particles considering pure and disordered cases.
M Bouadi
Université Mohammed V, Faculté des sciences-Rabat, 2018
The investigation of the lateral interaction in cellular automaton traffic flow model with open boundaries
M Bouadi, K Jetto, A Benyoussef, A El Kenz
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