Cedric Bousquet
Cedric Bousquet
Hospital practitioner, CHU de Saint Etienne
在 chu-st-etienne.fr 的电子邮件经过验证
Good signal detection practices: evidence from IMI PROTECT
AFZ Wisniewski, A Bate, C Bousquet, A Brueckner, G Candore, K Juhlin, ...
Drug safety 39, 469-490, 2016
Adverse drug reaction identification and extraction in social media: a scoping review
J Lardon, R Abdellaoui, F Bellet, H Asfari, J Souvignet, N Texier, ...
Journal of medical Internet research 17 (7), e171, 2015
Appraisal of the MedDRA conceptual structure for describing and grouping adverse drug reactions
C Bousquet, G Lagier, ALL Louët, C Le Beller, A Venot, MC Jaulent
Drug Safety 28, 19-34, 2005
Implementation of automated signal generation in pharmacovigilance using a knowledge-based approach
C Bousquet, C Henegar, A Lillo-Le Louët, P Degoulet, MC Jaulent
International Journal of Medical Informatics 74 (7-8), 563-571, 2005
Building an ontology of adverse drug reactions for automated signal generation in pharmacovigilance
C Henegar, C Bousquet, A Lillo-Le Louët, P Degoulet, MC Jaulent
Computers in biology and medicine 36 (7-8), 748-767, 2006
Mining patients' narratives in social media for pharmacovigilance: adverse effects and misuse of methylphenidate
X Chen, C Faviez, S Schuck, A Lillo-Le-Louët, N Texier, B Dahamna, ...
Frontiers in pharmacology 9, 541, 2018
A case report: using SNOMED CT for grouping Adverse Drug Reactions Terms
I Alecu, C Bousquet, MC Jaulent
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 8, 1-8, 2008
Vigi4Med scraper: a framework for web forum structured data extraction and semantic representation
B Audeh, M Beigbeder, A Zimmermann, P Jaillon, C Bousquet
PloS one 12 (1), e0169658, 2017
Electronic Healthcare Record and clinical research in cardiovascular radiology. HL7 CDA and CDISC ODM interoperability
A El Fadly, C Daniel, C Bousquet, T Dart, PY Lastic, P Degoulet
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2007, 216, 2007
The adverse drug reactions from patient reports in social media project: five major challenges to overcome to operationalize analysis and efficiently support pharmacovigilance …
C Bousquet, B Dahamna, S Guillemin-Lanne, SJ Darmoni, C Faviez, ...
JMIR research protocols 6 (9), e6463, 2017
Systems and methods for providing improved access to pharmacovigilance data
I Alecu, C Bousquet, MC Jaulent
US Patent 9,390,160, 2016
Formalizing MedDRA to support semantic reasoning on adverse drug reaction terms
C Bousquet, É Sadou, J Souvignet, MC Jaulent, G Declerck
Journal of biomedical informatics 49, 282-291, 2014
Standards and biomedical terminologies: the CEN TC 251 and ISO TC 215 categorial structures. A step towards increased interoperability
JM Rodrigues, A Kumar, C Bousquet, B Trombert
eHealth Beyond the Horizon–Get IT There, 857-862, 2008
Mapping of the WHO-ART terminology on Snomed CT to improve grouping of related adverse drug reactions.
I Alecu, C Bousquet, F Mougin, MC Jaulent
Studies in health technology and informatics 124, 833, 2006
Using semantic distance for the efficient coding of medical concepts.
C Bousquet, MC Jaulent, G Chatellier, P Degoulet
Proceedings of the AMIA Symposium, 96, 2000
PGxCorpus, a manually annotated corpus for pharmacogenomics
J Legrand, R Gogdemir, C Bousquet, K Dalleau, MD Devignes, W Digan, ...
Scientific data 7 (1), 3, 2020
Using the CEN/ISO Standard for Categorial Structure to Harmonise the
JM Rodrigues, A Kumar, C Bousquet, B Trombert
Medical informatics in a united and healthy Europe, 255-259, 2009
Automatic generation of MedDRA terms groupings using an ontology
G Declerck, C Bousquet, MC Jaulent
Quality of Life through Quality of Information, 73-77, 2012
Evaluating Twitter as a complementary data source for pharmacovigilance
J Lardon, F Bellet, R Aboukhamis, H Asfari, J Souvignet, MC Jaulent, ...
Expert opinion on drug safety 17 (8), 763-774, 2018
OntoADR a semantic resource describing adverse drug reactions to support searching, coding, and information retrieval
J Souvignet, G Declerck, H Asfari, MC Jaulent, C Bousquet
Journal of Biomedical Informatics 63, 100-107, 2016
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