Massimiliano Fratoni
Massimiliano Fratoni
在 berkeley.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Neutronic evaluation of coating and cladding materials for accident tolerant fuels
I Younker, M Fratoni
Progress in Nuclear Energy 88, 10-18, 2016
Design Summary of the Mark-I Pebble-Bed, Fluoride Salt–Cooled, High-Temperature Reactor Commercial Power Plant
C Andreades, AT Cisneros, JK Choi, AYK Chong, M Fratoni, S Hong, ...
Nuclear Technology 195 (3), 223-238, 2016
Materials selection for nuclear applications: Challenges and opportunities
P Hosemann, D Frazer, M Fratoni, A Bolind, MF Ashby
Scripta Materialia 143, 181-187, 2018
Design, analysis and development of the modular PB-AHTR
P Bardet, E Blandford, M Fratoni, A Niquille, E Greenspan, PF Peterson
Proceedings of ICAPP’08, 8-12, 2008
Chamber design for the laser inertial fusion energy (LIFE) engine
JF Latkowski, RP Abbott, S Aceves, T Anklam, AW Cook, J DeMuth, ...
Fusion Science and Technology 60 (1), 54-60, 2011
Hydride fuel for LWRs—project overview
E Greenspan, M Fratoni, F Ganda, F Ginex, D Olander, N Todreas, ...
Nuclear Engineering and Design 239 (8), 1374-1405, 2009
Development and applications of methodologies for the neutronic design of the Pebble Bed Advanced High Temperature Reactor (PB-AHTR)
M Fratoni
University of California, Berkeley, 2008
Generic repository design concepts and thermal analysis (FY11)
E Hardin, J Blink, H Greenberg, M Sutton, M Fratoni, J Carter, M Dupont, ...
SAND2011-6202, Sandia National Laboratories, 2011
XGPT: Extending Monte Carlo Generalized Perturbation Theory capabilities to continuous-energy sensitivity functions
M Aufiero, M Martin, M Fratoni
Annals of Nuclear Energy 96, 295-306, 2016
Development of sensitivity analysis capabilities of generalized responses to nuclear data in Monte Carlo code RMC
Y Qiu, M Aufiero, K Wang, M Fratoni
Annals of Nuclear Energy 97, 142-152, 2016
Neutronic design of hydride fueled BWRs
M Fratoni, E Greenspan
Nuclear Engineering and Design 239 (8), 1531-1543, 2009
Neutronics, thermal-hydraulics, and multi-physics benchmark models for a generic pebble-bed fluoride-salt-cooled high temperature reactor (FHR)
N Satvat, F Sarikurt, K Johnson, I Kolaja, M Fratoni, B Haugh, E Blandford
Nuclear engineering and Design 384, 111461, 2021
Feasibility of a critical molten salt reactor for waste transmutation
B Becker, M Fratoni, E Greenspan
Progress in Nuclear Energy 50 (2-6), 236-241, 2008
Development of multiphysics tools for fluoride-cooled high-temperature reactors
M Aufiero, M Fratoni
Proceedings of PHYSOR 2016, 480, 2016
Possible evidence of nonstatistical properties in the cross section
JC Batchelder, SA Chong, J Morrell, MA Unzueta, P Adams, JD Bauer, ...
Physical Review C 99 (4), 044612, 2019
Neutronic feasibility assessment of liquid salt–cooled pebble bed reactors
M Fratoni, E Greenspan
Nuclear science and engineering 168 (1), 1-22, 2011
Nuclear data evaluation augmented by machine learning
P Vicente-Valdez, L Bernstein, M Fratoni
Annals of Nuclear Energy 163, 108596, 2021
Molten salt reactor experiment benchmark evaluation
M Fratoni, D Shen, G Ilas, J Powers
Univ. of California, Berkeley, CA (United States); Oak Ridge National Lab …, 2020
Innovations in the ENHS reactor design and fuel cycle
E Greenspan, SG Hong, KB Lee, L Monti, T Okawa, A Susplugas, ...
Progress in Nuclear Energy 50 (2-6), 129-139, 2008
Integrated FHR technology development: Tritium management, materials testing, salt chemistry control, thermal hydraulics and neutronics, associated benchmarking and commercial …
CW Forsberg, PF Peterson, K Sridharan, L Hu, M Fratoni, AK Prinja
Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA (United States …, 2018
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