Mnasri bacem
Mnasri bacem
Center of Biotechnology of Borj Cedria
在 cbbc.rnrt.tn 的电子邮件经过验证
Salt-tolerant rhizobia isolated from a Tunisian oasis that are highly effective for symbiotic N 2-fixation with Phaseolus vulgaris constitute a novel biovar (bv. mediterranense …
B Mnasri, M Mrabet, G Laguerre, ME Aouani, R Mhamdi
Archives of Microbiology 187, 79-85, 2007
Nodulation and growth of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) under water deficiency
B Mnasri, ME Aouani, R Mhamdi
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 39 (7), 1744-1750, 2007
Agrobacterium strains isolated from root nodules of common bean specifically reduce nodulation by Rhizobium gallicum
M Mrabet, B Mnasri, SB Romdhane, G Laguerre, ME Aouani, R Mhamdi
FEMS microbiology ecology 56 (2), 304-309, 2006
Isolation of a Chitinolytic Bacillus licheniformis S213 Strain Exerting a Biological Control Against Phoma medicaginis Infection
IB Slimene, O Tabbene, D Gharbi, B Mnasri, JM Schmitter, MC Urdaci, ...
Applied biochemistry and biotechnology 175, 3494-3506, 2015
Rhizobium azibense sp. nov., a nitrogen fixing bacterium isolated from root-nodules of Phaseolus vulgaris
B Mnasri, TY Liu, S Saidi, WF Chen, WX Chen, XX Zhang, R Mhamdi
International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology 64 (Pt_5 …, 2014
Sinorhizobium americanum symbiovar mediterranense is a predominant symbiont that nodulates and fixes nitrogen with common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in a Northern Tunisian field
B Mnasri, S Saïdi, SA Chihaoui, R Mhamdi
Systematic and Applied Microbiology 35 (4), 263-269, 2012
Effects of different microbial inocula on tomato tolerance to water deficit
G Mannino, L Nerva, T Gritli, M Novero, V Fiorilli, M Bacem, CM Bertea, ...
Agronomy 10 (2), 170, 2020
Evaluation of antifungal activity from Bacillus strains against Rhizoctonia solani
S Elkahoui, N Djébali, O Tabbene, A Hadjbrahim, B Mnasri, R Mhamdi, ...
African Journal of Biotechnology 11 (18), 4196-4201, 2012
Diversity of nodule-endophytic agrobacteria-like strains associated with different grain legumes in Tunisia
S Saïdi, B Mnasri, R Mhamdi
Systematic and applied microbiology 34 (7), 524-530, 2011
A highly osmotolerant rhizobial strain confers a better tolerance of nitrogen fixation and enhances protective activities to nodules of Phaseolus vulgaris under …
H Mhadhbi, S Chihaoui, R Mhamdi, B Mnasri, M Jebara
African Journal of Biotechnology 10 (22), 4555-4563, 2011
Rhizobium gallicum as an efficient symbiont for bean cultivation
B Mnasri, F Tajini, M Trabelsi, ME Aouani, R Mhamdi
Agronomy for sustainable development 27, 331-336, 2007
Symbiotic diversity of Ensifer meliloti strains recovered from various legume species in Tunisia
B Mnasri, Y Badri, S Saïdi, P de Lajudie, R Mhamdi
Systematic and applied microbiology 32 (8), 583-592, 2009
Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oils from three Mediterranean plants against eighteen pathogenic bacteria and fungi
S Razzouk, MA Mazri, L Jeldi, B Mnasri, L Ouahmane, MN Alfeddy
Pharmaceutics 14 (8), 1608, 2022
Genotypic and symbiotic diversity of native rhizobia nodulating red pea (Lathyrus cicera L.) in Tunisia
T Gritli, W Ellouze, SA Chihaoui, F Barhoumi, R Mhamdi, B Mnasri
Systematic and applied microbiology 43 (1), 126049, 2020
Salt stress mitigation in Lathyrus cicera by combining different microbial inocula
T Gritli, H Boubakri, A Essahibi, J Hsouna, H Ilahi, D Reinhardt, B Mnasri
Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 28 (6), 1191-1206, 2022
Phylogenetic study of rhizobia nodulating pea (Pisum sativum) isolated from different geographic locations in Tunisia
H Ilahi, J Hsouna, W Ellouze, T Gritli, S Chihaoui, F Barhoumi, MN Elfeddy, ...
Systematic and Applied Microbiology 44 (4), 126221, 2021
Genetic diversity of Ectomyelois ceratoniae (Zeller 1881) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) collected from three different host-plants in Tunisia by using RAPD-PCR
W Hached, B Mnasri, G Abid, S Barhoumi-Attia, KL Grissa
African Entomology 28 (1), 1-7, 2020
Screening of bacterial isolates collected from marine bio-films for antifungal activity against Rhizoctonia solani
S Elkahoui, N Djébali, O Tabbene, A Hadjbrahim, B Mnasri, R Mhamdi, ...
Dyn Biochem Process Biotechnol Mol Boil 5, 1-4, 2011
Rhizobium acaciae sp. nov., a new nitrogen-fixing symbiovar isolated from root nodules of Acacia saligna in Tunisia
J Hsouna, H Ilahi, JC Han, T Gritli, W Ellouze, XX Zhang, M Mansouri, ...
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 73 (5), 005900, 2023
Genotypic and symbiotic diversity studies of rhizobia nodulating Acacia saligna in Tunisia reveal two novel symbiovars within the Rhizobium leguminosarum complex and Bradyrhizobium
J Hsouna, T Gritli, H Ilahi, W Ellouze, M Mansouri, S Chihaoui, O Bouhnik, ...
Systematic and Applied Microbiology 45 (4), 126343, 2022
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