Rafael Lacerda Macedo
Rafael Lacerda Macedo
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Comparison of different trophic state indices applied to tropical reservoirs
G Klippel, RL Macêdo, CWC Branco
Lakes & Reservoirs: Research & Management 25 (2), 214-229, 2020
From ecological functions to ecosystem services: linking coastal lagoons biodiversity with human well-being
JL Rodrigues-Filho, RL Macêdo, H Sarmento, VRA Pimenta, C Alonso, ...
Hydrobiologia 850 (12), 2611-2653, 2023
Taming the terminological tempest in invasion science
I Soto, P Balzani, L Carneiro, RN Cuthbert, R Macêdo, A Serhan Tarkan, ...
Biological Reviews, 2024
Unveiling the hidden economic toll of biological invasions in the European Union
M Henry, B Leung, RN Cuthbert, TW Bodey, DA Ahmed, E Angulo, ...
Environmental Sciences Europe 35 (1), 43, 2023
Towards a synthesis of the biodiversity of freshwater Protozoa, Rotifera, Cladocera, and Copepoda in Brazil
LMA Elmoor-Loureiro, FDR Sousa, FR Oliveira, CY Joko, ...
Limnologica 100, 126008, 2023
The drifting dinoflagellate Ceratium furcoides (Levander) Langhans 1925: fundamental niche shift during global invasion
RL Macêdo, P Russo, RF Corrêa, O Rocha, LN dos Santos, CWC Branco
Hydrobiologia 848, 2105-2117, 2021
Recent advances in availability and synthesis of the economic costs of biological invasions
DA Ahmed, PJ Haubrock, RN Cuthbert, A Bang, I Soto, P Balzani, ...
BioScience 73 (8), 560-574, 2023
Zooplankton community attributes in an oligo-mesotrophic reservoir: A comparative study of two sampling strategies
RL Macedo, VG Lopes, B Kozlowskysuzuki, CWC Branco
Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 91 (1), e20170807, 2018
Small in size but rather pervasive: the spread of the North American rotifer Kellicottia bostoniensis (Rousselet, 1908) through Neotropical basins
RL Macedo, ACS Franco, G Klippel, EF Oliveira, LHS Silva, ...
BioInvasions Records 9 (2), 287-302, 2020
The global social-economic dimension of biological invasions by plankton: Grossly underestimated costs but a rising concern for water quality benefits?
RL Macêdo, ACS Franco, B Kozlowsky-Suzuki, S Mammola, T Dalu, ...
Water Research 222, 118918, 2022
Climate change and niche unfilling tend to favor range expansion of Moina macrocopa Straus 1820, a potentially invasive cladoceran in temporary waters
RL Macêdo, FDR Sousa, HJ Dumont, AC Rietzler, O Rocha, ...
Hydrobiologia 849 (17), 4015-4027, 2022
Cladocera (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) species of Bahia State, Brazil: a critical update on species descriptions, distributions, and new records
RL Macêdo, FDR Sousa, SB Jesus, BJB Nunesmaia, CWC Branco, ...
Nauplius 29, e2021011, 2021
Spreading of the invasive dinoflagellate Ceratium furcoides (Levander) Langhans throughout the Paraiba do Sul ecoregion, South America, Brazil
RL Macêdo, ACS Franco, RF Corrêa, K do Nascimento Costa, LG Pereira, ...
Limnetica 40 (2), 233-246, 2021
The economic costs of invasive aquatic plants: A global perspective on ecology and management gaps
RL Macêdo, PJ Haubrock, G Klippel, RD Fernandez, B Leroy, E Angulo, ...
Science of the Total Environment 908, 168217, 2024
Is the number of non-native species in the European Union saturating?
PJ Haubrock, P Balzani, R Macêdo, AS Tarkan
Environmental Sciences Europe 35 (1), 48, 2023
Climate and landscape changes enhance the global spread of a bloom-forming dinoflagellate related to fish kills and water quality deterioration
RL Macêdo, ACS Franco, P Russo, T Collart, S Mammola, E Jeppesen, ...
Ecological Indicators 133, 108408, 2021
Biological invasions are a population‐level rather than a species‐level phenomenon
PJ Haubrock, I Soto, DA Ahmed, AR Ansari, AS Tarkan, I Kurtul, ...
Global Change Biology 30 (5), e17312, 2024
Discrepancies between non-native and invasive species classifications
PJ Haubrock, RN Cuthbert, P Balzani, E Briski, C Cano-Barbacil, ...
Biological Invasions 26 (2), 371-384, 2024
Advancing our understanding of biological invasions with long-term biomonitoring data
PJ Haubrock, L Carneiro, RL Macêdo, P Balzani, I Soto, JJ Rasmussen, ...
Biological Invasions 25 (11), 3637-3649, 2023
More on the distribution of cladoceran species: gaps and perspectives in Rio de Janeiro State, southeastern Brazil
RL Macêdo, FDR Sousa, V Veras, L Elmoor-Loureiro, CWC Branco
Nauplius 30, e2022032, 2022
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