Hugo Ikehara-Tsukayama
Hugo Ikehara-Tsukayama
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
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Festines e integración social en el Periodo Formativo: nuevas evidencias de Cerro Blanco, valle bajo de Nepeña
H Ikehara, K Shibata
Boletín de Arqueología PUCP, 123-159, 2012
Hacia una reevaluación de Salinar desde la perspectiva del valle de Nepeña, costa de Ancash
H Ikehara, D Chicoine
Andes 8, 153-184, 2011
Feasting with Zea Mays in the Middle and Late Formative North Coast of Peru
H Ikehara, JF Paipay, K Shibata
Latin American Antiquity 24 (2), 217-231, 2013
Nuevas evidencias sobre el Periodo Formativo del valle de Nepeña: resultados preliminares de la primera temporada de excavaciones en Caylán
D Chicoine, H Ikehara
Boletín de Arqueología PUCP, 349-369, 2008
The Final Formative Period in the North Coast of Peru: cooperation during violent times
HC Ikehara
World Archaeology 48 (1), 70-86, 2016
Ancient urban life at the Early Horizon center of Caylán, Peru
D Chicoine, H Ikehara
Journal of Field Archaeology 39 (4), 336-352, 2014
Kushipampa: el final del Periodo Formativo en el valle de Nepeña
H Ikehara
Boletín de Arqueología PUCP, 371-404, 2008
Plaza life and public performance at the Early Horizon center of Caylán, Nepeña Valley, Perú
M Helmer, D Chicoine, H Ikehara
Ñawpa Pacha 32 (1), 85-114, 2012
Pucarani: Defensive monumentality and political leadership in the late pre-Columbian Andes
E Arkush, HC Ikehara
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 53, 66-81, 2019
Leadership, crisis and political change: the end of the formative period in the Nepeña valley, Perú
H Ikehara
PhD diss., University of Pittsburgh, 2015
Festines del Periodo Formativo Medio y Tardío en Cerro Blanco de Nepeña
H Ikehara
Territoriality, monumentality, and religion in formative Nepena, Coastal Ancash
D Chicoine, H Ikehara, K Shibata, M Helmer
Rituals of the past: Prehispanic and colonial case studies in Andean …, 2017
Pucarani: Building a Pukara in the Peruvian Lake Titicaca Basin (ad 1400-1490)
HC Ikehara, EN Arkush
Ñawpa Pacha 38 (2), 157-181, 2018
Multinaturalismo y perspectivismo en los centros ceremoniales formativos
H Ikehara
Los desafíos del tiempo, el espacio y la memoria. Ensayos en homenaje a …, 2020
Unfinished monumental projects and institutional crisis in the early pre-Columbian Andes
HC Ikehara
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 61, 101267, 2021
Plaza settings and public interactions during the Formative Period in Nepeña, North-Central Coast of Peru
M Helmer, D Chicoine, H Ikehara, K Shibata
Americae. European Journal of Americanist Archaeology 3, 7-31, 2018
Cercaduras and Domestic Urban Life in Early Horizon Nepeña, Coastal Ancash
D Chicoine, H Ikehara, J Ortiz
Ancient Households on the North Coast of Peru, 68-102, 2021
Historia económica del antiguo Perú
P Kaulicke, H Ikehara, RS Llanos, PVCS Lafosse
Banco Central de Reserva del Perú, 2019
Social organization, technology of production, and the function of utilitarian ceramics for feasting during the Middle and Late Formative periods in the Central Andes
H Ikehara
Comparative Perspectives on the Archaeology of Coastal South America …, 2010
Leadership, crisis and political change: The end of the formative period in the Nepeña Valley, Perú
HCI Tsukayama
University of Pittsburgh, 2015
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