Dániel Vadas
Characterisation of natural fibre reinforced PLA foams prepared by supercritical CO2 assisted extrusion
K Bocz, T Tábi, D Vadas, M Sauceau, J Fages, G Marosi
Express Polymer Letters 10 (9), 771-779, 2016
Flame retardancy of microcellular poly (lactic acid) foams prepared by supercritical CO2-assisted extrusion
D Vadas, T Igricz, J Sarazin, S Bourbigot, G Marosi, K Bocz
Polymer Degradation and Stability 153, 100-108, 2018
Development of bioepoxy resin microencapsulated ammonium-polyphosphate for flame retardancy of polylactic acid
K Decsov, K Bocz, B Szolnoki, S Bourbigot, G Fontaine, D Vadas, ...
Molecules 24 (22), 4123, 2019
Application of melt-blown Poly (lactic acid) fibres in self-reinforced composites
D Vadas, D Kmetykó, G Marosi, K Bocz
Polymers 10 (7), 766, 2018
Effects of thermal annealing and solvent-induced crystallization on the structure and properties of poly (lactic acid) microfibres produced by high-speed electrospinning
D Vadas, ZK Nagy, I Csontos, G Marosi, K Bocz
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 142 (2), 581-594, 2020
Recycled PET foaming: Supercritical carbon dioxide assisted extrusion with real-time quality monitoring
K Bocz, F Ronkay, B Molnár, D Vadas, M Gyürkés, D Gere, G Marosi, ...
Advanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer Research 4 (3), 178-186, 2021
Optimal distribution of phosphorus compounds in multi-layered natural fabric reinforced biocomposites
K Bocz, B Szolnoki, A Farkas, E Verret, D Vadas, K Decsov, G Marosi
eXPRESS Polymer Letters 14 (7), 606-618, 2019
Flame retarded self‐reinforced polypropylene composites prepared by injection moulding
D Vadas, Á Kmetty, T Bárány, G Marosi, K Bocz
Polymers for Advanced Technologies 29 (1), 433-441, 2018
Effect of clay minerals on the flame retardancy of polylactic acid/ammonium polyphosphate system
TT Nguyen Thanh, B Szolnoki, D Vadas, M Nacsa, G Marosi, K Bocz
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 148 (2), 293-304, 2023
Non-destructive characterisation of all-polypropylene composites using small angle X-ray scattering and polarized Raman spectroscopy
K Bocz, KE Decsov, A Farkas, D Vadas, T Bárány, A Wacha, A Bóta, ...
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 114, 250-257, 2018
Characterisation of natural fibre reinforced PLA foams prepared by supercritical CO 2 assisted extrusion. Express Polym Lett 10: 771–779
K Bocz, T Tábi, D Vadas, M Sauceau, J Fages, G Marosi
Flame retardancy of PET foams manufactured from bottle waste
K Bocz, F Ronkay, D Vadas, B Molnár, D Gere, T Czigány, G Marosi
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 148 (2), 217-228, 2023
Evaluation of different thermoanalytical methods for the analysis of the stability of naproxen-loaded amorphous solid dispersions
E Szabó, A Haraszti, P Záhonyi, D Vadas, I Csontos, ZK Nagy, ...
Pharmaceutics 14 (11), 2508, 2022
Novel manufacturing method for highly flexible poly (lactic acid) foams and ferroelectrets
D Vadas, K Bocz, T Igricz, J Volk, S Bordács, L Madarász, G Marosi
Advanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer Research 7 (2), 215-225, 2024
Funkcionalizált biopolimer habok fejlesztése szuperkritikus széndioxiddal segített extruzióval
K Bocz, T Igricz, Á Kmetty, T Tábi, B Szabó, D Vadas, L Kiss, T Vigh, ...
POLIMEREK 2 (2), 46-49, 2016
Advanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer Research
K Bocz, F Ronkay, B Molnár, D Vadas, M Gyürkés, D Gere, G Marosi, ...
Development and Functionalisation of Lightweight Poly (lactic acid) Composites
D Vadas
Ömledékfúvással gyártott mikroszálak felhasználása önerősített politejsav kompozitok előállítására
D Vadas, D Kmetykó, B Szabó, G Marosi, K Bocz
POLIMEREK 4 (7-8), 245-250, 2018
Égésgátolt politejsav habok előállítása szuperkritikus szén-dioxiddal segített extruzióval
D Vadas, K Bocz, T Igricz, T Tábi, B Szabó, G Marosi
POLIMEREK 3 (5), 156-160, 2017
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