Theory of Mind ‘emotion’, developmental characteristics and social understanding in children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities AF Thirion-Marissiaux, N Nader-Grosbois Research in Developmental Disabilities 29, 414-430, 2008 | 117 | 2008 |
Self-regulation during pretend play in children with intellectual disability and in normally developing children S Vieillevoye, N Nader-Grosbois Research in Developmental Disabilities 29, 256-272, 2008 | 117 | 2008 |
Self-perception, self-regulation and metacognition in adolescents with intellectual disability N Nader-Grosbois Research in developmental disabilities 35 (6), 1334-1348, 2014 | 109 | 2014 |
Theory of mind, socio-emotional problem-solving, socio-emotional regulation in children with intellectual disability and in typically developing children C Baurain, N Nader-Grosbois Journal of autism and developmental disorders 43, 1080-1097, 2013 | 109 | 2013 |
Développement cognitif et communicatif du jeune enfant : du normal au pathologique N Nader-Grosbois De Boeck, 2014 | 90 | 2014 |
Theory of mind ‘beliefs’, developmental characteristics and social understanding in children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities AF Thirion-Marissiaux, N Nader-Grosbois Research in Developmental Disabilities 29, 547-566, 2008 | 89 | 2008 |
How could Theory of Mind contribute to the differentiation of social adjustment profiles of children with externalizing behavior disorders and children with intellectual … N Nader-Grosbois, M Houssa, S Mazzone Research in developmental disabilities 34 (9), 2642-2660, 2013 | 85 | 2013 |
Perceived social acceptance, theory of mind and social adjustment in children with intellectual disabilities C Fiasse, N Nader-Grosbois Research in developmental disabilities 33 (6), 1871-1880, 2012 | 78 | 2012 |
La Théorie de l'esprit. Entre cognition, émotion et adaptation sociale N Nader-Grosbois De Boeck, 2011 | 74* | 2011 |
Régulation, autorégulation, dysrégulation: Pistes pour l'intervention et la recherche N Nader-Grosbois Editions Mardaga, 2007 | 74 | 2007 |
Emotion Regulation, Personality and Social Adjustment in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders N Nader-Grosbois, S Mazzone Psychology 5 (15), 1750-1767, 2014 | 65 | 2014 |
Emotion regulation, social cognition and social adjustment: specificities in children with autism spectrum disorder N Nader-Grosbois, C Baurain, S Mazzone Autism Spectrum Disorders: New Research, 1-39, 2012 | 65* | 2012 |
Emotion regulation, social cognition and social adjustment: specificities in children with autism spectrum disorder N Nader-Grosbois, C Baurain, S Mazzone Autism Spectrum Disorders: New Research, 1-39, 2012 | 65* | 2012 |
Variability of self‐regulatory strategies in children with intellectual disability and typically developing children in pretend play situations N Nader‐Grosbois, S Vieillevoye Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 56 (2), 140-156, 2012 | 58 | 2012 |
Self-regulation and performance in problem-solving using physical materials or computers in children with intellectual disability N Nader-Grosbois, N Lefèvre Research in developmental disabilities 32 (5), 1492-1505, 2011 | 48 | 2011 |
Theory of mind and socio-affective abilities in disabled children and adolescents AF Thirion-Marissiaux, N Nader-Grosbois Alter 2 (2), 133-155, 2008 | 43 | 2008 |
Validation de la version francophone de l’Emotion Regulation Checklist (ERC-vf) N Nader-Grosbois, S Mazzone European Review of Applied Psychology 65 (1), 29-41, 2015 | 41 | 2015 |
Socio-emotional regulation in children with intellectual disability and typically developing children, and teachers’ perceptions of their social adjustment C Baurain, N Nader-Grosbois, C Dionne Research in developmental disabilities 34 (9), 2774-2787, 2013 | 40 | 2013 |
Socio-emotional regulation in children with intellectual disability and typically developing children in interactive contexts C Baurain, N Nader-Grosbois Alter 6 (2), 75-93, 2012 | 40 | 2012 |
Validation d’une version francophone de l’inventaire de la Théorie de l’Esprit (ToMI-vf) M Houssa, S Mazzone, N Nader-Grosbois European review of applied psychology 64 (4), 169-179, 2014 | 39 | 2014 |