Harun Cicek
Harun Cicek
Research Institute of Organic Agriculture
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Using vegetation indices from satellite remote sensing to assess corn and soybean response to controlled tile drainage
H Cicek, M Sunohara, G Wilkes, H McNairn, F Pick, E Topp, DR Lapen
Agricultural Water Management 98 (2), 261-270, 2010
Effects of grazing two green manure crop types in organic farming systems: N supply and productivity of following grain crops
H Cicek, JRT Martens, KC Bamford, MH Entz
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 190, 27-36, 2014
Late-season catch crops reduce nitrate leaching risk after grazed green manures but release N slower than wheat demand
H Cicek, JRT Martens, KC Bamford, MH Entz
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 202, 31-41, 2015
Sustainable development of smallholder crop-livestock farming in developing countries
S Ates, H Cicek, LW Bell, HC Norman, DE Mayberry, S Kassam, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 142, 012076, 2018
Productivity and nitrogen benefits of late-season legume cover crops in organic wheat production
H Cicek, MH Entz, JRT Martens, PR Bullock
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 94 (4), 771-783, 2014
Partial acidulation of rock phosphate for increased productivity in organic and smallholder farming
H Cicek, GS Bhullar, LS Mandloi, C Andres, AS Riar
Sustainability 12 (2), 607, 2020
Forage potential of six leguminous green manures and effect of grazing on following grain crops
H Cicek, JRT Martens, KC Bamford, MH Entz
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 30 (6), 503-514, 2015
Bio-economic analysis of dual-purpose management of winter cereals in high and low input production systems
S Ates, H Cicek, I Gultekin, YA Yigezu, M Keser, SJ Filley
Field Crops Research 227, 56-66, 2018
Effect of nurse crops and seeding rate on the persistence, productivity and nutritive value of sainfoin in a cereal‐based production system
H Cicek, S Ates, G Ozcan, M Tezel, JG Kling, M Louhaichi, G Keles
Grass and Forage Science 75 (1), 86-95, 2020
What is the contribution of organic agriculture to sustainable development? A synthesis of twelve years (2007-2019) of the “long-term farming systems comparisons in the tropics …
GS Bhullar, D Bautze, N Adamtey, L Armengot, H Cicek, E Goldmann, ...
Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), 2021
Evaluation de la fertilité des sols et les rendements de cotonnier, maïs et sorgho à> Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Kunth ex. Walp
S Doumbia, SG Dembele, F Sissoko, O Samake, F Sousa, H Cicek, ...
International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 14 (7), 2583-2598, 2020
The practical implementation of conservation agriculture in the Middle east
SP Loss, A Haddad, J Desbiolles, H Cicek, Y Khalil, CME Piggin
International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), 2015
A critical assessment of conservation agriculture among smallholders in the Mediterranean region: adoption pathways inspired by agroecological principles
H Cicek, E Topp, T Plieninger, JM Blanco-Moreno, I Gultekin, ...
Agronomy for Sustainable Development 43 (6), 72, 2023
Effect of stocking rate on pasture and sheep production in winter and spring lambing systems
S Ateş, G Özcan, H Cicek, M KIRBAŞ, G Keleş, Ş IŞIK
Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences 40 (4), 476-489, 2016
Perceptions and sociocultural factors underlying adoption of conservation agriculture in the Mediterranean
E Topp, M El Azhari, H Cicek, H Cheikh M’Hamed, MZ Dhraief, ...
Agriculture and Human Values 41 (2), 491-508, 2024
Uptake of agroforestry-based crop management in the semi-arid Sahel–Analysis of joint decisions and adoption determinants
C Grovermann, C Rees, A Beye, T Wossen, T Abdoulaye, H Cicek
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 7, 1042551, 2023
Promising forage options to enhance livestock production in Mediterranean climate agricultural systems
S Ates, HC Norman, HB Salem, B Nutt, H Cicek
Effect of stubble grazing, tillage and no-till seeder type on pea/barley forage productivity and botanical composition.
F Djellakh, D Sersoub, O Zaghouane, H Cicek, M Rekik, S Ates, ...
Grazing green manures to optimize nitrogen supply on the canadian prairies
H Cicek, M Entz
Building Organic Bridges 1, 101-104, 2014
Investigating soil NO3- and plant N uptake when green manures are grazed.
H Cicek, MH Entz, JRT Martens, K Bamford
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