Miika Marttunen
Miika Marttunen
Kasvatustieteen professori, Jyväskylän yliopisto
在 jyu.fi 的电子邮件经过验证
Students evaluating Internet sources: From versatile evaluators to uncritical readers
C Kiili, L Laurinen, M Marttunen
Journal of Educational Computing Research 39 (1), 75-95, 2008
Learning of argumentation skills in networked and face-to-face environments
M Marttunen, L Laurinen
Instructional Science 29, 127-153, 2001
Working on understanding during collaborative online reading
C Kiili, L Laurinen, M Marttunen, DJ Leu
Journal of Literacy Research 44 (4), 448-483, 2012
Exploring early adolescents’ evaluation of academic and commercial online resources related to health
C Kiili, DJ Leu, M Marttunen, J Hautala, PHT Leppänen
Reading and writing 31 (3), 533-557, 2018
Studying argumentation in higher education by electronic mail
M Marttunen
Jyväskylä studies in education, psychology and social research, 1997
Assessing argumentation skills among Finnish university students
M Marttunen
Learning and Instruction 4 (2), 175-191, 1994
Argumentation skills as prerequisites for collaborative learning among Finnish, French, and English secondary school students
M Marttunen, L Laurinen, L Litosseliti, K Lund
Educational Research and Evaluation 11 (4), 365-384, 2005
Electronic mail as a pedagogical delivery system: An analysis of the learning of argumentation
M Marttunen
Research in Higher Education 38, 345-363, 1997
Collaborative learning through chat discussions and argument diagrams in secondary school
M Marttunen, L Laurinen
Journal of Research on Technology in Education 40 (1), 109-126, 2007
Electronic mail as a forum for argumentative interaction in higher education studies
M Marttunen
Journal of Educational Computing Research 18 (4), 387-405, 1998
Promoting sixth graders’ credibility evaluation of Web pages: An intervention study
EK Hämäläinen, C Kiili, M Marttunen, E Räikkönen, R González-Ibáñez, ...
Computers in Human Behavior 110, 106372, 2020
Commenting on Written Arguments as a Part of Argumentation Skills—comparison between students engaged in traditional vs on‐line study
M Marttunen
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 36 (4), 289-302, 1992
Coordinating collaborative writing in an online environment
M Nykopp, M Marttunen, G Erkens
Journal of Computing in Higher Education 31 (3), 536-556, 2019
Written arguments and collaborative speech acts in practising the argumentative power of language through chat debates
LI Laurinen, MJ Marttunen
Computers and composition 24 (3), 230-246, 2007
University applicants’ critical thinking skills: The case of the Finnish educational sciences
J Utriainen, M Marttunen, E Kallio, P Tynjälä
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 61 (6), 629-649, 2017
Inducing socio-cognitive conflict in Finnish and German groups of online learners by CSCL script
A Weinberger, M Marttunen, L Laurinen, K Stegmann
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 8, 333-349, 2013
Participant profiles during collaborative writing
M Marttunen, L Laurinen
Journal of Writing Research 4 (1), 53–79, 2012
Skillful Internet reader is metacognitively competent
C Kiili, L Laurinen, M Marttunen
Handbook of research on new media literacy at the K-12 level: Issues and …, 2009
Students' abilities to evaluate the credibility of online texts: The role of internet‐specific epistemic justifications
EK Hämäläinen, C Kiili, E Räikkönen, M Marttunen
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 37 (5), 1409-1422, 2021
Validation of a modified version of the Experiences of Teaching and Learning Questionnaire
J Utriainen, P Tynjälä, E Kallio, M Marttunen
Studies in Educational Evaluation 56, 133-143, 2018
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