A Rajasekaran
A Rajasekaran
Scientist, Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore
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Ethnobotany of Indian horse chestnut (Aesculus indica) in Mandi district, Himachal Pradesh.
A Rajasekaran, S Joginder
Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 8 (2), 285-286, 2009
The genus Berberis Linn.: a review.
R Rashmi, A Rajasekaran, JP Jagdish Pant
Folk medicine of the Irulas of Coimbatore forests
P Balasubramanian, A Rajasekaran, SN Prasad
Ancient Science of Life 16 (3), 222-226, 1997
Quantitative estimation of berberine in roots of different provenances of Berberis aristata DC by HPLC and study of their antifungal properties
A Rajasekaran, R Pokhriyal, YP Singh
Pharmacognosy Magazine 5 (20), 2009
Modeling potential hotspots of invasive Prosopis juliflora (Swartz) DC in India
M Singh, R Arunachalam, L Kumar
Ecological Informatics 64, 101386, 2021
Rasont – A traditional crude drug prepared from Berberis sp and its uses
A Rajasekaran, N Kumar
CSIR, 2009
Biomass and carbon stock, carbon sequestration potential under selected land use systems in Punjab
S Sarangle, A Rajasekaran, DK Benbi, S Chauhan
Forestry Research and Engineering: International Journal 9, 75-80, 2018
The genus Berberis linn.: A review
A Rajasekaran, J Pant
Pharmacognosy Review 2 (4), 2008
Anti-oxidant activity, phytochemical screening and HPLC profile of rare endemic Cordia diffusa
K Prabu, A Rajasekaran, D Bharathi, S Ramalakshmi
Journal of King Saud University-Science 31 (4), 724-727, 2019
Wild edible macro-fungi-A source of supplementary food in Kinnaur District, Himachal Pradesh, India
J Chauhan, AK Negi, A Rajasekaran, NA Pala
J Med Plants Stud 2 (1), 40-44, 2014
Cost benefits analysis and yield performance of agricultural crops under poplar and fruit crop in north western zone of Punjab, India
S Rani, A Rajasekaran, DK Benbi, SK Chauhan
International journal of scientific research 4 (6), 791-793, 2015
Wild vegetable plants used by tribal people of Kinnaur district, Himachal Pradesh, India
J Singh, A Rajasekaran, AK Negi, NA Pala
Int J Usuf Mngt 15 (2), 47-56, 2014
Litterfall, decomposition and nutrient release patterns of different tree species in Taran Taran district of Punjab, India
S Rani, DK Benbi, A Rajasekaran, SK Chauhan
Journal of Applied and Natural Science 8 (3), 1260-1266, 2016
Assessment of vegetation, soil nutrient dynamics and heavy metals in the Prosopis juliflora invaded lands at semi-arid regions of Southern India
AR R. Mohanraj, R.V. Akil Prasath
Catena 216 (Part A), 2022
HPTLC fingerprinting profile of marker compound (Berberine) in roots of Berberis aristata
JP Rashmi, A Rajasekaran
Pharmacog J 3 (19), 41-44, 2011
Notes on the distribution and ethnobotany of some medicinal orchids in Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve
P Balasubramanian, A Rajasekaran, SN Prasad
Zoos Print J 15, 368, 2000
Above ground carbon stock mapping over Coimbatore and Nilgiris Biosphere: a key source to the C sink
M Hari, S Srinivasan, A Rajasekaran, B Tyagi
Carbon Management 12 (4), 411-428, 2021
Traditional ethnobotanical knowledge of Kiran Pargana, Shimla District, Himachal Pradesh.
S Joginder, A Rajasekaran, KD Sharma
Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 32 (Supplement), 253-263, 2008
Commercial exploited medicinal plants in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve
A Rajasekaran, SN Prasad, P Balasubramanian
India J. Non-Timber Forest Prod 12 (1), 8-14, 2005
Potential of wild edible fruits for nutrition in indigenous communities of Northwest Himalaya, India
ZA Malik, J Singh, A Rajasekaran, AK Negi, NA Pala, VP Panwar, ...
Ethnobotany Research and Applications 25, 1-15, 2023
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