Temmy Thamrin
Temmy Thamrin
Universitas Bung Hatta
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Advantages and disadvantages of online Learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: The perceptions of students at Bung Hatta University
T Thamri, DC Hasan, N Rina, MH Gani, AM Miranda
KnE Social Sciences, 329–338-329–338, 2022
An analysis of translation procedures found in the translation of movie subtitle: Zootopia
FR Ananda, DC Hasan, T Thamrin
Journal Polingua: Scientific Journal of Linguistic Literatura and Education …, 2019
The language attitudes of Minangkabau people towards Minangkabau and Indonesian language
T Thamrin
International Journal of Language Teaching and Education 2 (2), 157-175, 2018
Cultural value in phatic communication of minangkabau society
T Thamrin, MH Gani
Jurnal Kata: Penelitian tentang Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra 4 (1), 155-166, 2020
Pelatihan Batik Dan Manajemen Kewirausahaan Bagi Masyarakat Di Kabupaten Sawahlunto Sijunjung
MH Gani, T Thamrin, T Akbar
Jurnal Abdimas Ilmiah Citra Bakti 3 (2), 140-153, 2022
Sistem sapaan dalam bahasa Minangkabau
T Thamrin
Universitas Gadjah Mada, 1999
Pelatihan Pembuatan Cenderamata Berbasis Inovasi Anyaman Mansiang Dan Ikat Celup Bagi Pelaku Seni Sumatera Barat
MH Gani, W Widdiyanti, Y Yandri, T Thamrin, T Akbar
Jurnal abdidas 4 (3), 281–288-281–288, 2023
The analysis of men’s and women’s language features found in two western movies
F Kurniawan, T Thamrin, N Rin
Abstract of Undergraduate Research, Faculty of Humanities, Bung Hatta …, 2020
Minangkabau language: use and attitudes
T Thamrin
La Trobe, 2015
Sosiolinguistik sistem sapaan: Teori dan sebuah model aplikasi
T Thamrin, MH Gani
Bung Hatta University Press, 2008
An Analysis of Language Style in Snowpiercer Movie
A Rivah, T Thamrin
Abstract of Undergraduate Research, Faculty of Humanities, Bung Hatta …, 2021
Deviation of Politeness Principles in the Comments Column of CNN Indonesia and Kompas TV in the Social Media Youtube Channels
R Raihan, Y Morelent, T Thamrin
Journal of Cultura and Lingua 3 (1), 22-30, 2022
Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Perceptions of Students at Bung Hatta University. Kne Social Sciences. file
T Thamrin, DC Hasan, N Rina, MH Gani, AM Miranda
C:/Users/noel/Downloads/10636Article% 20Text-50523-1-10-20220322 20 (1), 2022
An Analysis of Language Style Found in Hansel and Gretel: The Witch Hunter Movie
FS Sari, T Thamrin
Abstract of Undergraduate Research, Faculty of Humanities, Bung Hatta …, 2023
Implication of classification of land types on the river banks on the layout of settlements planning (A case of the Ogan Ulu community, in South Sumatera, Indonesia)
Z Arifin, MH Gani, T Thamrin
International Journal of River Basin Management 20 (2), 279-288, 2022
An Analysis of Flouting Grice’s Maxim In Fight Club Movie
YY Yulian, T Thamrin
Abstract of Undergraduate Research, Faculty of Humanities, Bung Hatta …, 2022
Language Choice in Transactional Activity As a Means of Ethnic Identity in Minangkabau Speech Community
T Thamrin, MH Gani
Journal of Cultura and Lingua 2 (2), 105-114, 2021
A Sociolinguistic Study of Formal and Casual Style in The Pursuit of Happyness Movie
N Avivah, T Thamrin
Abstract of Undergraduate Research, Faculty of Humanities, Bung Hatta …, 2021
An Analysis Of The Expressive Speech Acts In Crazy Rich Asians Movie
S Hanifa, Y Yanti, T Thamrin
Abstract of Undergraduate Research, Faculty of Humanities, Bung Hatta …, 2020
An Analysis of Directive Speech Act as Found in Hotel Transylvania Movie
MR Sari, T Thamrin, R Nova
Abstract of Undergraduate Research, Faculty of Humanities, Bung Hatta …, 2019
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