Boris I. Godoy
Boris I. Godoy
Researcher, Lund University, Sweden
在 control.lth.se 的电子邮件经过验证
On identification of FIR systems having quantized output data
BI Godoy, GC Goodwin, JC Agüero, D Marelli, T Wigren
Automatica 47 (9), 1905-1915, 2011
EM-Based Maximum Likelihood Channel Estimation in Multicarrier Systems with Phase Distortion
R Carvajal, JC Aguero, BI Godoy, GC Goodwin
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 62 (1), 152-160, 2013
Identification of sparse FIR systems using a general quantisation scheme
BI Godoy, JC Agüero, R Carvajal, GC Goodwin, JI Yuz
International Journal of Control 87 (4), 874-886, 2014
Determination of maternal pedigree and ewe–lamb spatial relationships by application of Bluetooth technology in extensive farming systems
R Sohi, J Trompf, H Marriott, A Bervan, BI Godoy, M Weerasinghe, ...
Journal of Animal Science 95 (11), 5145-5150, 2017
An EM-based Identification Algorithm for a Class of Hybrid Systems with Application to Power Electronics
RP Aguilera, BI Godoy, JC Aguero, GC Goodwin, JI Yuz
International Journal of Control, 2014
Truncated Hawkes point process modeling: System theory and system identification
BI Godoy, V Solo, SA Pasha
Automatica 56, 2020
A novel input design approach for systems with quantized output data
BI Godoy, P Valenzuela, CR Rojas, JC Aguero, B Ninness
13th European Control Conference (ECC), 2014
On filtering methods for state-space systems having binary output measurements
AL Cedeño, R Albornoz, R Carvajal, BI Godoy, JC Agüero
IFAC-PapersOnLine 54 (7), 815-820, 2021
EM-based sparse channel estimation in OFDM systems
R Carvajal, BI Godoy, JC Agüero, GC Goodwin
2012 IEEE 13th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in …, 2012
A simulation study on model predictive control and extremum seeking control for heap bioleaching processes
BI Godoy, JH Braslavsky, JC Agüero
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 41 (2), 9368-9373, 2008
A Two-Filter Approach for State Estimation utilizing Quantized output Data
AL Cedeño, R Albornoz, R Carvajal, BI Godoy, JC Aguero
Sensors, 2021
Identification of continuous-time transfer function models from non-uniformly sample data in presence of colored noise
F Chen, H Garnier, M Gilson, JC Aguero, BI Godoy
IFAC World Congress, 2014
A scenario-based approach to parameter estimation in state-space models having quantized output data
DE Marelli, BI Godoy, GC Goodwin
49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2011-2016, 2010
Scenario-based EM identification for FIR systems having quantized output data
JC Agüero, BI Godoy, GC Goodwin, T Wigren
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 42 (10), 66-71, 2009
An estimation algorithm for general linear single particle tracking models with time-varying parameters
BI Godoy, NA Vickers, SB Andersson
Molecules 26 (4), 886, 2021
Local likelihood estimation of time-variant hawkes models
BI Godoy, V Solo, J Min, SA Pasha
2016 IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and signal …, 2016
Determination of ewe behaviour around lambing time and prediction of parturition 7 days prior to lambing by tri-axial accelerometer sensors in an extensive farming system
R Sohi, F Almasi, H Nguyen, A Carroll, J Trompf, M Weerasinghe, ...
Animal Production Science 62 (17), 1729-1738, 2022
Estimation of general time-varying single particle tracking linear models using local likelihood
BI Godoy, NA Vickers, Y Lin, SB Andersson
European Control Conference, 2020
A map approach for ℓq-norm regularized sparse parameter estimation using the EM algorithm
R Carvajal, JC Agüero, BI Godoy, D Katselis
2015 IEEE 25th International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal …, 2015
A model-based feedback control strategy for heap bioleaching processes
BI Godoy, JH Braslavsky, JC Aguero
2007 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1850-1855, 2007
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