awaludin martin
awaludin martin
Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering Riau University
在 unri.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Tinjauan potensi Dan Kebijakan energi surya di Indonesia
F Afif, A Martin
Jurnal Engine: Energi, Manufaktur, dan Material 6 (1), 43-52, 2022
Adsorption Isotherms of CH4 on Activated Carbon from Indonesian Low Grade Coal
A Martin, WS Loh, KA Rahman, K Thu, B Surayawan, MI Alhamid, ...
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 56 (3), 361-367, 2011
Exergy analysis of gas turbine power plant 20 MW in Pekanbaru-Indonesia
A Martin, M Miswandi, A Prayitno, I Kurniawan, R Romy
wahyu sari yeni, 2016
Pembuatan dan karaktrisasi karbon aktif berbahan dasar cangkang sawit dengan metode aktivasi fisika menggunakan rotary autoclave
I Ibrahim, A Martin, N Nasruddin
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Universitas Riau 1 (2), 1-11, 2015
Pengeringan bengkuang dengan sistem pengeringan beku vakum (vacuum freeze drying system)
A Martin
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Universitas Riau 1 (2), 1-13, 2014
Adsorption isotherms of hydrogen on granular activated carbon derived from coal and derived from coconut shell
Nasruddin, A Martin, MI Alhamid, D Tampubolon
Heat Transfer Engineering 38 (4), 403-408, 2017
Coalbed methane as a new source of energy in Indonesia and some developed countries; a review
H Wahab, M Barbarosa, A Martin
Journal of Ocean, Mechanical and Aerospace-science and engineering- 65 (2 …, 2021
High-pressure adsorption isotherms of carbon dioxide and methane on activated carbon from low-grade coal of Indonesia
A Martin, M Idrus Alhamid, Nasruddin, B Suryawan, W Soong Loh, ...
Heat Transfer Engineering 38 (4), 396-402, 2017
Exergoeconomic analysis of 21.6 MW gas turbine power plant in Riau, Indonesia
A Martin, RD Amir
Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences 84 (1 …, 2021
Design and manufacturing of organic rankine cycle (orc) system using working fluid r-134a with helical evaporator and condenser
A Martin, D Agustina, AM Ibra
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 539 (1), 012027, 2019
Perancangan Bilah Tipe Inverse Taper pada Turbin Angin Berdasarkan Kondisi Angin di Pekanbaru
M Hatta, A Martin
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Universitas Riau 4 (1), 1-4, 2017
Audit Energi Sistem Tata Cahaya dan Tata Udara pada Basement dan Lantai 1 Toko Buku Pekanbaru
A Martin
JTM-ITI (Jurnal Teknik Mesin ITI) 6 (2), 98-108, 2022
Improvement of Biocoal Quality from Empty Oil Palm Fruit Bunches by Using Peat Water to Reducing Potassium Content and Torrefaction at 300 C to Increasing Heating Value
A Martin, PS Utama, YR Ginting, N Khotimah
Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences 90 (2 …, 2021
Adsorpsi Isotermal Karbon Dioksida dan Metana pada Karbon Aktif Berbahan Dasar Batubara Subbituminus Indonesia untuk Pemurnian dan Penyimpanan Gas Alam
A Martin
Universitas Indonesia, 2010
Experimental study of an organic rankine cycle system using r134a as working fluid with helical evaporator and condenser
A Martin, D Agustina, AM Ibra
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 539 (1), 012026, 2019
Analisis exergy pada combustion chamber pembangkit listrik tenaga gas uap (PLTGU) Teluk Lembu 30 MW
WL Samosir, A Martin
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Universitas Riau 2 (2), 1-7, 2015
Rancang Bangun Terowongan Angin Sistem Terbuka Pada Kecepatan Angin 3m/detik
M Nelta, A Martin, H Comb
Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Riau, Riau, 2019
Green technology as a strategy in managing the black spots in Siak Highway, Indonesia
A Sandhyavitri, J Wira, A Martin
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 345 (1), 012037, 2018
Audit Energi Sistem Tata Cahaya dan Tata Udara Rumah Makan di Kota Pekanbaru
A Martin
Proksima 1 (1), 8-12, 2023
Audit energi sistem tata cahaya dan tata udara lantai 2 & 3 pada bangunan gedung toko buku di Pekanbaru
A Martin, DR Agusta, N Simangunsong
Turbo: Jurnal Program Studi Teknik Mesin 11 (2), 2022
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