Alarming coastal vulnerability of the deltaic and sandy beaches of North Africa A Hzami, E Heggy, O Amrouni, G Mahé, M Maanan, S Abdeljaouad Scientific reports 11 (1), 2320, 2021 | 94 | 2021 |
Photogrammetric assessment of shoreline retreat in North Africa: Anthropogenic and natural drivers O Amrouni, A Hzami, E Heggy ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 157, 73-92, 2019 | 54 | 2019 |
Progradation and retrogradation of the Medjerda delta during the 20th century (Tunisia, Western Mediterranean) TB Moussa, O Amrouni, A Hzami, L Dezileau, G Mahé, S Abdeljaouad Comptes Rendus. Géoscience 351 (4), 340-350, 2019 | 28 | 2019 |
Sensitivity assessment of the deltaic coast of Medjerda based on fine-grained sediment dynamics, Gulf of Tunis, Western Mediterranean O Amrouni, A Sánchez, N Khélifi, T Benmoussa, D Chiarella, G Mahé, ... Journal of Coastal Conservation 23, 571-587, 2019 | 25 | 2019 |
Grain-size and morphodynamical state of the bay-of-Mahdia shoreface (Tunisia). Contribution to the assessment of Coastal sensitivity O Amrouni-Bouaziz, R Souissi, JP Barusseau, S Abdeljaoued, H Pauc, ... Geo-Eco-Marina 13, 5-19, 2007 | 18 | 2007 |
Satellite images survey for the identification of the coastal sedimentary system changes and associated vulnerability along the western bay of the Gulf of Tunis (northern Africa) A Hzami, O Amrouni, G Romanescu, C Constantin Stoleriu, ... Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences 377, 83-89, 2018 | 17 | 2018 |
Contribution of Grain-size Trend to Sediment of a Microtidal Beach. Case of the Gulf of Tunis Bay (Cape Ferina-Cape Ganunarth, Tunisia) O Amrouni, T Hermassi, SA Jaouad, S Messaoudi Research Journal of Environmental Sciences 8 (4), 161, 2014 | 17 | 2014 |
Morphodynamique d’une plage sableuse microtidale à barres: côte nord de Mahdia (Tunisie orientale) O Amrouni Thèse doctorat. Faculté des Sciences El Manar, 297p, 2008 | 13 | 2008 |
Alarming coastal vulnerability of the deltaic and sandy beaches of North Africa. Sci Rep 11: 2320 A Hzami, E Heggy, O Amrouni, G Mahe, M Maanan, S Abdeljaouad | 12 | 2021 |
Etude de l'impact des barrages sur la réduction des transports sédimentaires jusqu'à la mer par approche paléohydrologique dans la basse vallée de la Medjerda F Kotti, L Dezileau, G Mahé, H Habaieb, M Bentkaya, C Dieulin, ... Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences 377, 67-76, 2018 | 11 | 2018 |
Impacts of water stress on lagoonal ecosystem degradation in semi-arid coastal areas N Gaaloul, O Amrouni, E Heggy, N Douss, A Hzami, N Khélifi, B Bejaoui, ... Marine Pollution Bulletin 179, 113445, 2022 | 10 | 2022 |
The sedimentological changes caused by human impact at the artificial channel of Medjerda-River (Coastal zone of Medjerda, Tunisia) T Benmoussa, O Amrouni, L Dezileau, G Mahé, S Abdeljaouad Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences 377, 77-81, 2018 | 10 | 2018 |
Dynamique sédimentaire des plages sableuses microtidales à barres et du trait de côte à plusieurs échelles spatio-temporelles O Amrouni Université de Tunis El Manar. Faculté des Sciences de Tunis, 2020 | 5 | 2020 |
Morphodynamique d'une plage microtidale à barres subtidales en condition de tempête: cas de l'avant plage de Mahdia, Tunisie O Amrouni, R Medina Santamaría, S Abdeljaouad Institut Scientifique, Université Mohammed V de Rabat, 2018 | 5 | 2018 |
Grain-size trend and ecological state of southern mediterranean coastal lagoons: Case of the Gulf of Tunis S Khsiba, O Amrouni, KB Mustapha, N Gaaloul, C Bancon-Montigny, ... Journal of African Earth Sciences 174, 104073, 2021 | 4 | 2021 |
Étude de la dynamique sédimentaire spatiotempo-relle à court terme du système dune/plage de la côte nord de Mahdia (Sahel Tunisien): rôle des agents de transport et de … O Amrouni, S Abdeljaouad Revue Méditerranéenne de l’Environnement 3, 1-15, 2009 | 4 | 2009 |
The UNESCO FRIEND-Water program: accelerates, shares and transfers knowledge and innovation in hydrology across the world in the frame of the Intergovernmental Hydrological … G Mahé, G Abdo, E Amoussou, T Brou, S Dietrich, A El Tayeb, ... Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences 384, 5-18, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
Multi-criteria approaches to identify the shoreline retreat downstream of dams: the North African case O Amrouni, G Mahé Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences 384 …, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
Recent geochemical and grain size distribution of terrestrial sediment in coastal area from the watershed of Medjerda River, Gulf of Tunis T Benmoussa, O Amrouni, L Dezileau, G Mahé, D Chiarella, ... Paleobiodiversity and Tectono-Sedimentary Records in the Mediterranean …, 2019 | 3 | 2019 |
Deconvolving the effects of coastal erosion and sea-level rise in assessing shoreline retreat along semi-arid urban coasts O Amrouni, E Heggy, A Hzami | 2 | 2022 |