Sourav Taraphdar
Increase in the intensity of postmonsoon Bay of Bengal tropical cyclones
K Balaguru, S Taraphdar, LR Leung, GR Foltz
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (10), 3594-3601, 2014
Indian summer monsoon precipitation climatology in a high-resolution regional climate model: Impacts of convective parameterization on systematic biases
P Mukhopadhyay, S Taraphdar, BN Goswami, K Krishnakumar
Weather and Forecasting 25 (2), 369-387, 2010
Influence of moist processes on track and intensity forecast of cyclones over the north Indian Ocean
P Mukhopadhyay, S Taraphdar, BN Goswami
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 116 (D5), 2011
MJO affects the monsoon onset timing over the Indian region
S Taraphdar, F Zhang, LR Leung, X Chen, OM Pauluis
Geophysical Research Letters 45 (18), 10011-10018, 2018
Cyclone‐cyclone interactions through the ocean pathway
K Balaguru, S Taraphdar, LR Leung, GR Foltz, JA Knaff
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (19), 6855-6862, 2014
Predictability of Indian summer monsoon weather during active and break phases using a high resolution regional model
S Taraphdar, P Mukhopadhyay, BN Goswami
Geophysical research letters 37 (21), 2010
Impact of aerosols on tropical cyclones: An investigation using convection‐permitting model simulation
A Hazra, P Mukhopadhyay, S Taraphdar, JP Chen, WR Cotton
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118 (13), 7157-7168, 2013
The role of global circumnavigating mode in the MJO initiation and propagation
F Zhang, S Taraphdar, S Wang
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 122 (11), 5837-5856, 2017
The role of moist processes in the intrinsic predictability of Indian Ocean cyclones
S Taraphdar, P Mukhopadhyay, LR Leung, F Zhang, S Abhilash, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 119 (13), 8032-8048, 2014
WRF gray‐zone simulations of precipitation over the Middle‐East and the UAE: Impacts of physical parameterizations and resolution
S Taraphdar, OM Pauluis, L Xue, C Liu, R Rasmussen, RS Ajayamohan, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 126 (10), e2021JD034648, 2021
Indian summer monsoon drought 2009: role of aerosol and cloud microphysics
A Hazra, S Taraphdar, M Halder, S Pokhrel, HS Chaudhari, K Salunke, ...
Atmospheric Science Letters 14 (3), 181-186, 2013
Cloud microphysical properties as revealed by the CAIPEEX and satellite observations and evaluation of a cloud system resolving model simulation of contrasting large scale …
K Chakravarty, P Mukhopadhyay, S Taraphdar
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 73 (13), 1790-1797, 2011
Convection-permitting regional climate simulations in the Arabian Gulf region using WRF driven by bias-corrected GCM data
X Jing, L Xue, Y Yin, J Yang, DF Steinhoff, A Monaghan, D Yates, C Liu, ...
Journal of Climate 33 (18), 7787-7815, 2020
Prediction skill of tropical synoptic scale transients from ECMWF and NCEP Ensemble Prediction Systems
S Taraphdar, P Mukhopadhyay, LR Leung, L Kiranmayi
Mathematics of Climate and Weather Forecasting 2 (1), 26 - 42, 2016
Uncertainty and feasibility of dynamical downscaling for modeling tropical cyclones for storm surge simulation
Z Yang, S Taraphdar, T Wang, LR Leung, M Grear
Natural Hazards, 1-24, 2016
Impact of planetary boundary layer and cloud microphysics on the sensitivity of monsoon precipitation using a gray‐zone regional model
S Taraphdar, OM Pauluis
Earth and Space Science 8 (5), e2020EA001535, 2021
On northward movement of convergence zones along west coast of India in a real-time forecast
S Taraphdar, J Sanjay, P Mukhopadhyay
Meteorology and atmospheric physics 104, 177-189, 2009
Lidar investigation of tropical nocturnal boundary layer aerosols and cloud macrophysics
MG Manoj, PCS Devara, S Taraphdar
Atmospheric research 132, 65-75, 2013
Anatomy of a summertime convective event over the Arabian region
D Gopalakrishnan, S Taraphdar, OM Pauluis, L Xue, RS Ajayamohan, ...
Monthly Weather Review 151 (4), 989-1004, 2023
Numerical simulation of heavy rainfall over Ratnagiri on May 30, 2006 using WRF
SJST Sanjay J.
Vayu Mandal 33, 39 - 50, 2007
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