Polarity sensitivity as (non)veridical dependency A Giannakidou John Benjamins, 1998 | 1356 | 1998 |
The landscape of polarity items A Giannakidou Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 1997 | 597 | 1997 |
Negative... concord? A Giannakidou Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 18 (3), 457-523, 2000 | 590 | 2000 |
The meaning of free choice A Giannakidou Linguistics and philosophy 24 (6), 659-735, 2001 | 544 | 2001 |
Variable island repair under ellipsis J Merchant Topics in ellipsis 1174 (2008), 132-153, 2008 | 526 | 2008 |
Negative and positive polarity items A Giannakidou Semantics: An international handbook of natural language meaning 2, 1660-1712, 2011 | 504* | 2011 |
Affective dependencies A Giannakidou Linguistics and Philosophy 22, 367-421, 1999 | 488 | 1999 |
N‐Words and Negative Concord A Giannakidou The Blackwell companion to syntax, 327-391, 2006 | 354 | 2006 |
The dependency of the subjunctive revisited: Temporal semantics and polarity A Giannakidou Lingua 119 (12), 1883-1908, 2009 | 330 | 2009 |
The landscape of EVEN A Giannakidou Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 25 (1), 39-81, 2007 | 285 | 2007 |
Only, emotive factive verbs, and the dual nature of polarity dependency A Giannakidou Language, 575-603, 2006 | 241 | 2006 |
From Hell to Polarity: “Aggressively Non-D-Linked” Wh-Phrases as Polarity Items M Den Dikken, A Giannakidou Linguistic Inquiry 33 (1), 31-61, 2002 | 240 | 2002 |
Licensing and sensitivity in polarity items: from downward entailment to nonveridicality A Giannakidou CLS 38, 29-53, 2002 | 190 | 2002 |
Nominalization and ellipsis in the Greek DP A Giannakidou, M Stavrou Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York 16 (4), 295-332, 1999 | 173 | 1999 |
A unified analysis of the future as epistemic modality: The view from Greek and Italian A Giannakidou, A Mari Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 36, 85-129, 2018 | 133 | 2018 |
(In) definiteness, polarity, and the role of wh-morphology in free choice A Giannakidou, LLS Cheng Journal of semantics 23 (2), 135-183, 2006 | 132 | 2006 |
The semantic licensing of NPIs and the Modern Greek subjunctive A Giannakidou Language and cognition 4, 55-68, 1994 | 122 | 1994 |
Subjunctive, habituality and negative polarity items A Giannakidou Semantics and linguistic theory, 94-111, 1995 | 120 | 1995 |
The subjective mode of comparison: Metalinguistic comparatives in Greek and Korean A Giannakidou, S Yoon Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 29, 621-655, 2011 | 118 | 2011 |
On every type of quantificational expression in Chinese LLS Cheng Quantification, definiteness, and nominalization 5375, 2009 | 113 | 2009 |