Qing Xie
Qing Xie
在 mail.tsinghua.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Flame diagnostics with a conservative representation of chemical explosive mode analysis
W Wu, Y Piao, Q Xie, Z Ren
AIAA Journal 57 (4), 1355-1363, 2019
Analysis and neural network prediction of combustion stability for industrial gases
L Zhang, Y Xue, Q Xie, Z Ren
Fuel 287, 119507, 2021
Quantification of modeling uncertainties in turbulent flames through successive dimension reduction
N Wang, Q Xie, X Su, Z Ren
Combustion and Flame 222, 476-489, 2020
Flow, mixing, and flame stabilization in bluff-body burner with decreased central jet velocity
J Wei, Q Xie, J Zhang, Z Ren
Physics of Fluids 33 (6), 2021
A spectral radius scaling semi-implicit iterative time stepping method for reactive flow simulations with detailed chemistry
Q Xie, Z Xiao, Z Ren
Journal of Computational Physics 368, 47-68, 2018
Structure and propagation speed of autoignition-assisted flames of jet fuels
X Gong, Q Xie, H Zhou, Z Ren
Combustion and Flame 236, 111822, 2022
On the modeling of scalar mixing timescale in filtered density function simulation of turbulent premixed flames
T Yang, Q Xie, H Zhou, Z Ren
Physics of Fluids 32 (11), 2020
An exponential distribution scheme for the two-way coupling in transported PDF method for dilute spray combustion
W Xie, Q Xie, H Zhou, Z Ren
Combustion Theory and Modelling 24 (1), 105-128, 2020
A fully coupled, fully implicit simulation method for unsteady flames using Jacobian approximation and clustering
Q Xie, Y Liu, M Yao, H Zhou, Z Ren
Combustion and Flame 245, 112362, 2022
Exploring the controlling mechanisms for gradient evolution in unsteady detonation flows
Q Xie, Y Liu, Y Chen, Z Ren
Physics of Fluids 34 (7), 2022
A forced ignition probability analysis method using kernel formation analysis with turbulent transport and Lagrangian flame particle tracking
XIE Qing, REN Zhuyin, W Ke, LIN Hongjun, S Shang, X Wei
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 34 (4), 403-415, 2021
Critical decay time model for direct detonation initiation energy in gaseous mixtures
Y Liu, Q Xie, Y Chen, R Mével, Z Ren
Journal of Propulsion and Power 40 (1), 94-110, 2024
Modelling ignition probability with pairwise mixing-reaction model for flame particle tracking
XIE Qing, REN Zhuyin, W Ke
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 34 (5), 523-534, 2021
Modelling turbulent transport effects on the formation probability of flame kernel in ignition process
Q Xie, Z Ren, K Wang, H Lin, S Shang, W Xiao
Proceedings of Global Power and Propulsion Society, 2019
Micromixing models for transported PDF simulation of turbulent combustion
REN Zhuyin, XIE Qing, Y Tianwei, Z Hua
空气动力学学报 38 (3), 501-514, 2020
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