Luthfi Hakim
Luthfi Hakim
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IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
EP Tomasini
IOP Publishing Ltd, 2019
Salt-dependent increase in triterpenoids is reversible upon transfer to fresh water in mangrove plants Kandelia candel and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza
M Basyuni, S Baba, Y Kinjo, LAP Putri, L Hakim, H Oku
Journal of plant physiology 169 (18), 1903-1908, 2012
Growth hormone gene polymorphisms of Indonesia fat tailed sheep using PCR-RFLP and their relationship with growth traits
AD Malewa, L Hakim, S Maylinda, MH Husain
Livestock Research for Rural Development 26 (6), 115, 2014
Adsorption performance of fixed-bed column for the removal of Fe (II) in groundwater using activated carbon made from palm kernel shells
N Sylvia, L Hakim, N Fardian, Yunardi
IOP conference series: materials science and engineering 334, 012030, 2018
Anatomical, Chemical, and Mechanical Properties of Fibrovascular Bundles of Salacca (Snake Fruit) Frond.
L Hakim, R Widyorini, WD Nugroho, TA Prayitno
BioResources 14 (4), 2019
L Hakim, T Bakhtiar
The nurse Scheduling problem: A goal programming and nonlinear optimization …, 2017
Papan serat berkerapatan sedang berbahan baku sludge terasetilasi dari industri kertas
L Hakim, E Herawati, INJ Wistara
Makara Journal of Technology 15 (2), 151215, 2011
The nurse scheduling problem: a goal programming and nonlinear optimization approaches
L Hakim, T Bakhtiar
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 166 (1), 012024, 2017
A Husni, L Hakim, M Gayo
Buku Pintar Olahraga. Jakarta: CV Mawar Gempita, 0
Karakteristik Fisis Papan Komposit dari Serat Batang Pisang (Musa sp.) dengan Perlakuan Alkali
L Hakim, F Febrianto
Peronema: Forestry Science Journal 1 (1), 1-37, 2005
Evaluasi pemberian feed additive alami berupa campuran herbal, probiotik, dan prebiotik terhadap performans, karkas dan lemak abdominal serta HDL dan LDL daging broiler
L Hakim
Skripsi. Fakultas Peternakan. Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor, 2005
Analisis perbandingan risiko usahatani padi sawah dan padi rawa (suatu kasus di Desa Sukanagara Kecamatan Lakbok Kabupaten Ciamis)
M Magfira, TI Noor, L Hakim
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Agroinfo Galuh 7 (1), 14-27, 2020
Pengembangan perekat likuida dari limbah kulit buah kakao (Theobroma cacao L.)
M Medynda, T Sucipto, L Hakim
Peronema Forestry Science Journal 1 (1), 156199, 2012
Radial variability of fibrovascular bundle properties of salacca (Salacca zalacca) fronds cultivated on Turi Agrotourism in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
L Hakim, R Widyorini, WD Nugroho, TA Prayitno
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 22 (8), 2021
Eksplorasi tengkawang (shorea spp) di sebaran alam Kalimantan untuk konservasi sumber daya genetik dan populasi pemuliaan. Hlm. 813-822
L Hakim, B Leksono, D Setiadi
Prosidng Seminar Nasional XIII MAPEKI, 10-11, 2010
Rustidja. 1999. Akselerasi pertanian tangguh melalui pemuliaan nonkonvensional
S Lamadji, L Hakim
Prosiding Simposium V Pemuliaan Tanaman). PERIPI Komda Jawa Timur, 28-32, 0
The comparative of activator effect and fermentation time on nutrient quality, physical quality (temperature, pH) in compost
A Sadeli, A Wulandari, L Sinuraya, E Mirwandhono, L Hakim
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 977 (1), 012130, 2022
The system dynamics modeling of Gayo arabica coffee industry supply chain management
L Hakim, A Deli
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 425 (1), 012019, 2020
& Amalia, MM (2023)
H Kurniawan, L Hakim, H Sanulita, M Maiza, I Arisanti, M Rismawan
TEKNIK PENULISAN KARYA ILMIAH: Cara membuat Karya Ilmiah yang baik dan benar, 0
Kualitas papan semen dari partikel serutan pensil dengan berbagai rasio semen dan partikel
DN Sembiring, L Hakim, T Sucipto
Peronema Forestry Science Journal 4 (2), 175-185, 2015
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