Dr. Dirga Lestari
Dr. Dirga Lestari
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Mulawarman
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Work life balance, job engagement and turnover intention: Experience from Y generation employees
D Lestari, M Margaretha
Management Science Letters 11 (1), 157-170, 2021
Pengaruh pengembangan karir dan sistem insentif terhadap kinerja karyawan
MR Kudsi, SS Riadi, DL AS
Jurnal manajemen 9 (2), 85-93, 2017
The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on performance of small enterprises that are e-commerce adopters and non-adopters
D Lestari, M Siti, W Wardhani, R Yudaruddin
Problems and Perspectives in Management 19 (3), 467, 2021
The Benefits of e-Commerce before and during the Covid-19 Pandemic for Small Enterprises in Indonesia
SS Riadi, A Heksarini, D Lestari, S Maria, S Zainurossalamia, ...
WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development 18, 69-79, 2022
Pengaruh Job Insecurity Terhadap Stres Kerja, Kinerja dan Turnover Intention Karyawan
P Saputri, T Hidayati, D Lestari
Jurnal Bisnis Dan Manajemen (JBM), 235-259, 2020
Underground economy: Teori & catatan kelam
S Amalia, A Wijaya, DC Darma, S Maria, D Lestari
Medan: Kita Menulis, 2020
FinTech and MSMEs Continuity: Applied in Indonesia
DC Darma, MA Kadafi, D Lestari
Self-efficacy, organizational commitment, and employee performance–from public office
S Maria, D Lestari, E Rochaida, DC Darma, HR Rahmawati
Cactus Tourism Journal 1 (3), 6-15, 2021
Fintech and micro, small and medium enterprises development: Special reference to Indonesia
D Lestari, DC Darma, M Muliadi
Entrepreneurship Review 1 (1), 1-9, 2020
Factors involved in the number of tourist visits in the Muara Badak, Indonesia
DC Darma, S Maria, J Kasuma, D Lestari
Religación: Revista De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades 5 (24), 142-151, 2020
An agroforestry consortium: a multiderminant in instituting an agrisilviculture system to improve welfare
D Surya, M Siti, L Dirga, DD Caisar
Virtual Economics 3 (1), 95-111, 2020
The concept of work-life balance and practical application for customer services of bank
D Lestari, I Tricahyadinata, R Rahmawati, DC Darma, S Maria, ...
Jurnal Minds: Manajemen Ide dan Inspirasi 8 (1), 155-174, 2021
Effect of employee loyalty and commitment on organizational performance with considering role of work stress
T Hidayati, D Lestari, S Maria, S Zainurossalamia
Polish Journal of Management Studies 20, 2019
Pengaruh dukungan organisasi terhadap kinerja dimediasi oleh keadilan organisasi
EA Mujibburrahman, T Hidayati, DL AS
. 1 (4), 315-328, 2020
The Productivity of Wineries –An Empirical in Moldova
S Darma, D Lestari, DC Darma
Journal of Agriculture and Crops 8 (1), 50-58, 2022
Pengaruh quality of work life dan motivasi intrinsik terhadap kinerja perawat rsud am parikesit tenggarong seberang
P Arinda, Y Pongtuluran, DL AS
Kinerja: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Manajemen 13 (2), 183-192, 2016
Pengaruh kualitas pelayanan terhadap kepuasan nasabah
M Fauziannur, F Fitriadi, S Wahyuni
Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi Mulawarman (JIEM) 3 (4), 2018
Anteseden Pemberdayaan Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PDAM Di Samarinda Dan Kutai Kartanegara
D Lestari, S Maria
INOBIS: Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis Dan Manajemen Indonesia 2 (1), 139-152, 2018
The Influence of Transformational Leadership and Workload towards Work Motivation and Their Impact on Employee Performance at Bank BRI Tenggarong Branch
S Taqwa, S Hudayah, D Lestari
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal) 4 …, 2021
Multiple roles of women employees: Dilematis with family and work during COVID-19 disorders
S Maria, D Lestari, A Heksarini
Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences 57 (Spring/Summer), 241-248, 2021
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