Redesigning America's Community Colleges: A Clearer Path to Student Success T Bailey, SS Jaggars, D Jenkins Harvard University Press, 2015 | 1638 | 2015 |
The connubial crucible: newlywed years as predictors of marital delight, distress, and divorce. TL Huston, JP Caughlin, RM Houts, SE Smith, LJ George Journal of personality and social psychology 80 (2), 237, 2001 | 901 | 2001 |
Performance gaps between online and face-to-face courses: Differences across types of students and academic subject areas D Xu, SS Jaggars The Journal of Higher Education 85 (5), 633-659, 2014 | 891 | 2014 |
How do online course design features influence student performance? SS Jaggars, D Xu Computers & Education 95, 270-284, 2016 | 805 | 2016 |
New data on the nature of suicidal crises in college students: Shifting the paradigm. DJ Drum, C Brownson, A Burton Denmark, SE Smith Professional psychology: research and practice 40 (3), 213, 2009 | 785 | 2009 |
Choosing between online and face-to-face courses: Community college student voices SS Jaggars American Journal of Distance Education 28 (1), 27-38, 2014 | 651 | 2014 |
The impact of online learning on students’ course outcomes: Evidence from a large community and technical college system D Xu, SS Jaggars Economics of Education Review 37, 46-57, 2013 | 569 | 2013 |
Adaptability to online learning: Differences across types of students and academic subject areas D Xu, S Jaggars | 539 | 2013 |
The effectiveness of distance education across Virginia's community colleges: Evidence from introductory college-level math and English courses D Xu, SS Jaggars Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 33 (3), 360-377, 2011 | 424 | 2011 |
Effectiveness of fully online courses for college students: Response to a Department of Education meta-analysis S Jaggars, TR Bailey | 375 | 2010 |
Online and hybrid course enrollment and performance in Washington State community and technical colleges D Xu, S Jaggars | 351 | 2011 |
What We Know about Online Course Outcomes. Research Overview. SS Jaggars, N Edgecombe, GW Stacey Community College Research Center, Columbia University, 2013 | 329* | 2013 |
Three accelerated developmental education programs: Features, student outcomes, and implications SS Jaggars, M Hodara, SW Cho, D Xu Community College Review 43 (1), 3-26, 2015 | 319 | 2015 |
Chronic work stress and depressive symptoms: Assessing the mediating role of teacher burnout MA Steinhardt, SE Smith Jaggars, KE Faulk, CT Gloria Stress and health 27 (5), 420-429, 2011 | 313 | 2011 |
Online learning: Does it help low-income and underprepared students?(assessment of evidence series) S Jaggars | 290 | 2011 |
Online learning in the Virginia community college system S Jaggars, D Xu | 265 | 2010 |
An examination of the impact of accelerating community college students' progression through developmental education M Hodara, SS Jaggars The Journal of Higher Education 85 (2), 246-276, 2014 | 258 | 2014 |
What We Know about Developmental Education Outcomes. Research Overview. SS Jaggars, GW Stacey Community College Research Center, Teachers College, Columbia University, 2014 | 237* | 2014 |
New Evidence of Success for Community College Remedial English Students: Tracking the Outcomes of Students in the Accelerated Learning Program (ALP). CCRC Working Paper No. 53. SW Cho, E Kopko, D Jenkins, SS Jaggars Community College Research Center, Columbia University, 2012 | 209 | 2012 |
Improving developmental education assessment and placement: Lessons from community colleges across the country M Hodara, S Jaggars, MJM Karp | 204 | 2012 |