Slawomir Borymski
Slawomir Borymski
Institute of Biology, Biotechnology and Environmental Protection, University of Silesia in Katowice,
在 us.edu.pl 的电子邮件经过验证
Imidacloprid induces changes in the structure, genetic diversity and catabolic activity of soil microbial communities
M Cycoń, A Markowicz, S Borymski, M Wójcik, Z Piotrowska-Seget
Journal of Environmental Management 131, 55-65, 2013
Short-term effects of the herbicide napropamide on the activity and structure of the soil microbial community assessed by the multi-approach analysis
M Cycoń, M Wójcik, S Borymski, Z Piotrowska-Seget
Applied soil ecology 66, 8-18, 2013
Plant species and heavy metals affect biodiversity of microbial communities associated with metal-tolerant plants in metalliferous soils
S Borymski, M Cycoń, M Beckmann, LAJ Mur, Z Piotrowska-Seget
Frontiers in Microbiology 9, 1425, 2018
Variable effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) on selected biochemical processes mediated by soil microorganisms
M Cycoń, S Borymski, B Żołnierczyk, Z Piotrowska-Seget
Frontiers in microbiology 7, 1969, 2016
Links in the functional diversity between soil microorganisms and plant communities during natural succession in coal mine spoil heaps
A Markowicz, G Woźniak, S Borymski, Z Piotrowska-Seget, D Chmura
Ecological Research 30, 1005-1014, 2015
Effect of rosmarinic acid and sinapic acid on oxidative stress parameters in the cardiac tissue and serum of type 2 diabetic female rats
M Zych, W Wojnar, S Borymski, K Szałabska, P Bramora, ...
Antioxidants 8 (12), 579, 2019
The relationship between successional vascular plant assemblages and associated microbial communities on coal mine spoil heaps
G Woźniak, A Markowicz, S Borymski, Z Piotrowska-Seget, D Chmura, ...
Community Ecology 16, 23-32, 2015
A broad-spectrum analysis of the effects of teflubenzuron exposure on the biochemical activities and microbial community structure of soil
M Cycoń, M Wójcik, S Borymski, Z Piotrowska-Seget
Journal of environmental management 108, 27-35, 2012
Chrysin reduces oxidative stress but does not affect polyol pathway in the lenses of type 1 diabetic rats
W Wojnar, M Zych, S Borymski, I Kaczmarczyk-Sedlak
Antioxidants 9 (2), 160, 2020
An Analysis of the Effects of Vancomycin and/or Vancomycin-Resistant Citrobacter freundii Exposure on the Microbial Community Structure in Soil
M Cycoń, S Borymski, K Orlewska, TJ Wąsik, Z Piotrowska-Seget
Frontiers in Microbiology 7, 1015, 2016
Variable effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) on selected biochemical processes mediated by soil microorganisms. Front Microbiol 7: 1969
M Cycon, S Borymski, B Zolnierczyk, Z Piotrowska-Seget
Negligible Effect of Estrogen Deficiency on Development of Skeletal Changes Induced by Type 1 Diabetes in Experimental Rat Models
JF Aleksandra Janas, Ewa Kruczek, Piotr Londzin, Sławomir Borymski, Zenon P ...
Mediators of Inflammation 2020, 21, 2020
Assessment of the ecotoxicological impact of captan@ ZnO35–45nm and captan@ SiO2 20–30nm nanopesticide on non-target soil microorganisms–a 100-day case study
S Sułowicz, A Markowicz, M Dulski, A Nowak, D Środek, S Borymski
Applied Soil Ecology 184, 104789, 2023
Rhizosphere of metallophytes and its role in bioremediation of heavy metals
S Borymski, Z Piotrowska-Seget
Chemik 68 (6), 554-559, 2014
The influence of ZnO nanoparticles on horizontal transfer of resistance genes in lab and soil conditions
A Markowicz, S Borymski, A Adamek, S Sułowicz
Environmental Research 223, 115420, 2023
Charakterystyka bioróżnorodności zespołów mikroorganizmów zasiedlających ryzosferę metalofitów w glebach skażonych metalami ciężkimi
S Borymski
Faculty of Natural Sciences, 2019
Nanopesticide risk assessment based on microbiome profiling–Community structure and functional potential as biomarkers in captan@ ZnO35–45 nm and captan@ SiO2 20–30 nm treated …
S Sułowicz, S Borymski, M Dulski, A Nowak, K Bondarczuk, A Markowicz
Journal of Hazardous Materials 458, 131948, 2023
Copper-oxide nanoparticles exert persistent changes in the structural and functional microbial diversity: A 60-day mesocosm study of zinc-oxide and copper-oxide nanoparticles …
S Borymski, A Markowicz, A Nowak, K Matus, M Dulski, S Sułowicz
Microbiological Research 274, 127395, 2023
Ryzosfera metalofitów i jej rola w procesie bioremediacji metali ciężkich
S Borymski, Z Piotrowska-Seget
Chemik 68 (6), 554--559, 2014
Czy nanocząstki szkodzą mikrobom? Odpowiedź zespołu mikroorganizmów glebowych na skażenie nanocząstkami miedzi
K Kudła, M Marczewski, O Metryka, A Pastuszka, M Potrzebska, ...
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, 2017
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