Analysis On Ashācirah And Ibādhīyah On The Attributes Of God MKA Misra Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) 12 (10 …, 2021 | 97 | 2021 |
Survival of Islamic education in a secular state: The madrasah in Singapore MR Mohd Nor, N Senin, K Mohd Khambali Hambali, A Ab Halim Journal for Multicultural Education 11 (4), 238-249, 2017 | 28 | 2017 |
The culture of tolerance in families of new Muslims convert S Sintang, KM Khambali, N Senin, S Shahrud-Din, NFA Rahman, ... Middle East Journal of Scientific Research 15 (5), 669-678, 2013 | 16 | 2013 |
al-Wasatiyyah in the practice of religious tolerance among the families of new Muslims in sustaining a well-being society KM Khambali, S Sintang, A Awang, KNM Karim, NFA Rahman, ... Humanomics 33 (2), 211-220, 2017 | 12 | 2017 |
The Dialogue of Ḥikma: Generating Harmony in Muslim–Non-Muslim Relations S Sintang, KM Khambali@ Hambali, A Baharuddin, N Senin, ... Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations 24 (2), 213-224, 2013 | 8 | 2013 |
Understanding the ‘other’: the case of Al-Biruni (973-1048 AD) N Senin, F Grine, WA Wan Ramli, K Mohd Khambali@ Hambali, ... International Journal of Ethics and Systems 35 (3), 392-409, 2019 | 7 | 2019 |
Storytelling as a peace education in interfaith dialogue: An experience among selected university students KM Khambali, NFA Rahman, N Senin, SRH Dollah Afkar: Jurnal Akidah & Pemikiran Islam 21 (1), 111-138, 2019 | 7 | 2019 |
Monoteisme dalam Wacana Agama: Analisis Menurut Perspektif Islam: Monotheism in Religious Discourse: Analysis in Islamic Perspective N Senin, MKA Misra, N Ismail Jurnal Pengajian Islam 14 (1), 102-117, 2021 | 6 | 2021 |
A Study on the Notions of'Ali ibn Abi Talib in Malay Popular Culture M Daneshgar, FBA Shah, ZBM Yusoff, N Senin, SF Ramlan, MRBM Nor Journal of Shi'a Islamic Studies 6 (4), 465-479, 2013 | 6 | 2013 |
The Role of Comparative Religion Curricula in Intra–Inter Civilizational Dialogue H Ibrahim, KMK Hambali, S Sintang, N Senin, S Shaharud-din, M Ahmad, ... Religious Education 108 (1), 28-40, 2013 | 5 | 2013 |
Interfaith dialogue in the context of comparative religion KM Khambali, S Sintang, N Senin, S Shahrud-Din Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 14 (12), 1599-1612, 2013 | 5 | 2013 |
Penyembahan imej dalam agama Kristian, Hindu dan Buddha: Analisis perbandingan N Senin, MKA Misra, MFMA Mutalib e-Jurnal Penyelidikan dan Inovasi, 123-140, 2020 | 4 | 2020 |
The effectiveness of religious module in improving psyco-spiritual health for women inmates in prison KHM Jodi, MAB Mohamad, WM Radzi, AC Seman, N Abd Rahman, ... Life Science Journal 11 (3), 146-153, 2014 | 4 | 2014 |
Anthropomorphism according to Al-Ghazali (d. 1111) and Maimonides (d. 1204): A comparative discourse N Senin, KMK Hambali, WAW Ramli, MKA Misra, N Ismail HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 79 (1), 8264, 2023 | 3 | 2023 |
Kepercayaan Masyarakat Hindu Terhadap Kesucian Lembu: Satu Kajian Terhadap Mahasiswa Universiti: Hindu's Belief on The Veneration of Cow: A Study on University Students N Ismail, N Senin, NI Azizan Jurnal Pengajian Islam, 231-242, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
Pandangan Islam Terhadap Konsep Kesatuan Agama Dalam Bahai N Senin, KM Khambali International Journal of Humanities, Philosophy, Language 1 (4), 23-33, 2018 | 2 | 2018 |
Qudwah Nabawiyyah dalam Interaksi dengan Bukan Muslim N SENIN HADIS 13 (26), 86-95, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |
PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DI SINGAPURA: REALITI DAN CABARAN N SENIN Proceeding International Seminar of Islamic Studies, 948-955, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |
[Online Learning Challenges for Islamic Studies Programs in Higher Education Institutions (IPT)] Cabaran Pembelajaran Online bagi Program Pengajian Islam di Insitusi Pengajian … KAA Rahman, MKA Misra, N Senin, MMM Akib Malaysian Journal Of Islamic Studies (MJIS) 6 (1), 10-21, 2022 | 1 | 2022 |
Sorotan Awal Konsep Monoteisme Yahudi N Senin, MKA Misra, N Ismail E-Journal of Islamic Thought & Understanding (E-JITU), 94-111, 2021 | 1 | 2021 |