Wenhuan Lu
Wenhuan Lu
在 tju.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
LSTM-EFG for wind power forecasting based on sequential correlation features
R Yu, J Gao, M Yu, W Lu, T Xu, M Zhao, J Zhang, R Zhang, Z Zhang
Future Generation Computer Systems 93, 33-42, 2019
Scene learning: Deep convolutional networks for wind power prediction by embedding turbines into grid space
R Yu, Z Liu, X Li, W Lu, D Ma, M Yu, J Wang, B Li
Applied energy 238, 249-257, 2019
ARET: Aggregated Residual Extended Time-Delay Neural Networks for Speaker Verification.
R Zhang, J Wei, W Lu, L Wang, M Liu, L Zhang, J Jin, J Xu
Interspeech, 946-950, 2020
An anisotropic diffusion filter for reducing speckle noise of ultrasound images based on separability
S Liu, J Wei, B Feng, W Lu, B Denby, Q Fang, J Dang
Proceedings of the 2012 Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing …, 2012
The influence of font scale on semantic expression of word cloud
L Yang, J Li, W Lu, Y Chen, K Zhang, Y Li
Journal of Visualization 23, 981-998, 2020
Using deep learning for community discovery in social networks
D Jin, M Ge, Z Li, W Lu, D He, F Fogelman-Soulie
2017 IEEE 29th International Conference on Tools with Artificial …, 2017
Breast cancer detection based on merging four modes MRI using convolutional neural networks
W Lu, Z Wang, Y He, H Yu, N Xiong, J Wei
ICASSP 2019-2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2019
Watermarking based on compressive sensing for digital speech detection and recovery
W Lu, Z Chen, L Li, X Cao, J Wei, N Xiong, J Li, J Dang
Sensors 18 (7), 2390, 2018
Efficient convention emergence through decoupled reinforcement social learning with teacher-student mechanism
Y Wang, W Lu, J Hao, J Wei, H Leung
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and …, 2018
Single image dehazing via NIN-DehazeNet
K Yuan, J Wei, W Lu, N Xiong
IEEE Access 7, 181348-181356, 2019
Multimodal sensory fusion for soccer robot self-localization based on long short-term memory recurrent neural network
W Lu, J Zhang, X Zhao, J Wang, J Dang
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 8, 885-893, 2017
Residual Learning Diagnosis Detection: An advanced residual learning diagnosis detection system for COVID-19 in Industrial Internet of Things
M Zhang, R Chu, C Dong, J Wei, W Lu, N Xiong
IEEE Transactions on industrial informatics 17 (9), 6510-6518, 2021
RFPS: a robust feature points detection of audio watermarking for against desynchronization attacks in cyber security
W Lu, L Li, Y He, J Wei, NN Xiong
IEEE Access 8, 63643-63653, 2020
A progressive generative adversarial method for structurally inadequate medical image data augmentation
R Zhang, W Lu, X Wei, J Zhu, H Jiang, Z Liu, J Gao, X Li, J Yu, M Yu, R Yu
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 26 (1), 7-16, 2021
RFI-GAN: A reference-guided fuzzy integral network for ultrasound image augmentation
R Zhang, W Lu, J Gao, Y Tian, X Wei, C Wang, X Li, M Yu
Information Sciences 623, 709-728, 2023
A uniform conceptual model for knowledge management of international copyright law
W Lu, M Ikeda
Journal of information science 34 (1), 93-109, 2008
Zero-shot voice conversion with adjusted speaker embeddings and simple acoustic features
Z Tan, J Wei, J Xu, Y He, W Lu
ICASSP 2021-2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2021
A deep multiple kernel learning-based higher-order fuzzy inference system for identifying DNA N4-methylcytosine sites
L Wang, Y Ding, P Tiwari, J Xu, W Lu, K Muhammad, ...
Information Sciences 630, 40-52, 2023
Implementing big data analytics projects in business
F Fogelman-Soulié, W Lu
Big data analysis: New algorithms for a new society, 141-158, 2016
Wordlenet: a visualization approach for relationship exploration in document collection
X Wang, Z Cui, L Jiang, W Lu, J Li
Tsinghua Science and Technology 25 (3), 384-400, 2019
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