Professor of Artificial Intelligence, Universitas Hasanuddin
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Performance evaluation of ZigBee-based wireless sensor network for monitoring patients' pulse status
M Niswar, AA Ilham, E Palantei, RS Sadjad, A Ahmad, A Suyuti, ...
2013 international conference on information technology and electrical …, 2013
Strawberry ripeness classification system based on skin tone color using multi-class support vector machine
I Indrabayu, N Arifin, IS Areni
2019 International Conference on Information and Communications Technology …, 2019
Implementasi Progressive Web Application pada Sistem Monitoring Keluhan Sampah Kota Makassar
A Kurniawan, IS Areni, A Achmad
Jurnal Penelitian Enjiniring 21 (2), 34-38, 2017
Classification on passion fruit's ripeness using K-means clustering and artificial neural network
SW Sidehabi, A Suyuti, IS Areni, I Nurtanio
2018 International Conference on Information and Communications Technology …, 2018
Statistical and machine learning approach in forex prediction based on empirical data
SW Sidehabi, S Tandungan
2016 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Cybernetics …, 2016
Klasifikasi Kematangan Stroberi Berbasis Segmentasi Warna dengan Metode HSV
IS Areni, I Amirullah, N Arifin
Jurnal Penelitian Enjiniring 23 (2), 113-116, 2019
Kajian Signifikansi Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Penggunaan E-Learning pada Siswa SMK Global Informatika Tangerang
FTS Butarbutar, Y Haryanto
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem Dan Teknologi Informasi) 1 (1), 9-18, 2017
Blob modification in counting vehicles using gaussian mixture models under heavy traffic
B Indrabayu, A Achmad, I Nurtanio, F Mayasari
Asian Res. Publ. Netw. ARPN 10, 2015
A multivariate autoregressive model of rain attenuation on multiple short radio links
G Hendrantoro, T Suryani, A Mauludiyanto
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 5, 54-57, 2006
Vehicle detection and tracking using gaussian mixture model and kalman filter
RY Bakti, IS Areni, AA Prayogi
2016 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Cybernetics …, 2016
Vehicle detection and tracking using gaussian mixture model and kalman filter
YBR Indrabayu, IS Areni, AA Prayogi
Computational Intelligence and Cybernetics (CYBERNETICSCOM), International …, 2016
Aplikasi Augmented Reality pada Sistem Informasi Smart Building
Z Zainuddin, IS Areni, R Wirawan
Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi 5 (3), 207-212, 2016
Gaussian Mixture Models optimization for counting the numbers of vehicle by adjusting the Region of Interest under heavy traffic condition
A Achmad
2015 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications …, 2015
Pengenalan Pembelajaran Interaktif Berbasis Game di SDN 14 Bonto-Bonto Kabupaten Pangkep
IS Areni, I Amirullah, Z Muslimin, E Palantei, A Prayogi, A Bustamin
Panrita Abdi-Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat 3 (2), 177-183, 2019
The simulation of vehicle counting system for traffic surveillance using Viola Jones method
D Djamaluddin, T Indrabulan, SW Sidehabi
2014 Makassar International Conference on Electrical Engineering and …, 2014
IoT-based of automatic electrical appliance for smart home
I Areni, A Waridi, I Amirullah, C Yohannes, A Lawi, A Bustamin
International Association of Online Engineering, 2020
Sistem Pendeteksi Kesegaran Ikan Bandeng Menggunakan Citra
I Indrabayu, M Niswar, AA Aman
Jurnal Infotel 8 (2), 170-179, 2016
A 2.5 GHz wireless ECG system for remotely monitoring heart pulses
E Palantei, M Baharuddin, A Andani, KN Nien, D Utami, AEA Febriani, ...
Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and …, 2012
Image processing system for early detection of cocoa fruit pest attack
IS Areni, R Tamin
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1244 (1), 012003, 2019
The Development of Machine Vision System for Sorting Passion Fruit using Multi-Class Support Vector Machine.
SW Sidehabi, A Suyuti, IS Areni, I Nurtanio
Journal of Engineering Science & Technology Review 11 (5), 2018
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