Kevin D. Bladon
Kevin D. Bladon
Associate Professor of Forest Ecohydrology and Watershed Science, Oregon State University
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Implications of land disturbance on drinking water treatability in a changing climate: Demonstrating the need for “source water supply and protection” strategies
MB Emelko, U Silins, KD Bladon, M Stone
Water Research 45 (2), 461-472, 2011
Wildfire and the future of water supply
KD Bladon, MB Emelko, U Silins, M Stone
Environmental Science & Technology 48 (16), 8936-8943, 2014
Sediment production following severe wildfire and post-fire salvage logging in the Rocky Mountain headwaters of the Oldman River Basin, Alberta
U Silins, M Stone, MB Emelko, KD Bladon
Catena 79 (3), 189-197, 2009
Burned forests impact water supplies
DW Hallema, G Sun, PV Caldwell, SP Norman, EC Cohen, Y Liu, ...
Nature Communications 9 (1), 1307, 2018
Compendium of forest hydrology and geomorphology in British Columbia.
RG Pike, TE Redding, RD Moore, RD Winkler, KD Bladon
Land Management Handbook-Ministry of Forests and Range, British Columbia, 2010
Sediment‐phosphorus dynamics can shift aquatic ecology and cause downstream legacy effects after wildfire in large river systems
MB Emelko, M Stone, U Silins, D Allin, AL Collins, CHS Williams, ...
Global Change Biology 22 (3), 1168-1184, 2016
Wildfire impacts on nitrogen concentration and production from headwater streams in southern Alberta’s Rocky Mountains
KD Bladon, U Silins, MJ Wagner, M Stone, MB Emelko, CA Mendoza, ...
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38 (9), 2359-2371, 2008
Five‐year legacy of wildfire and salvage logging impacts on nutrient runoff and aquatic plant, invertebrate, and fish productivity
U Silins, KD Bladon, EN Kelly, E Esch, JR Spence, M Stone, MB Emelko, ...
Ecohydrology 7 (6), 1508-1523, 2014
A spatial evaluation of global wildfire-water risks to human and natural systems
FN Robinne, KD Bladon, C Miller, MA Parisien, J Mathieu, MD Flannigan
Science of the Total Environment 610, 1193-1206, 2018
Differential transpiration by three boreal tree species in response to increased evaporative demand after variable retention harvesting
KD Bladon, U Silins, SM Landhäusser, VJ Lieffers
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 138 (1-4), 104-119, 2006
Setting up a hydrological model of Alberta: Data discrimination analyses prior to calibration
M Faramarzi, R Srinivasan, M Iravani, KD Bladon, KC Abbaspour, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 74, 48-65, 2015
Regional patterns of postwildfire streamflow response in the Western United States: The importance of scale‐specific connectivity
DW Hallema, G Sun, KD Bladon, SP Norman, PV Caldwell, Y Liu, ...
Hydrological Processes 31 (14), 2582-2598, 2017
Scientists' warning on extreme wildfire risks to water supply
FN Robinne, DW Hallema, KD Bladon, MD Flannigan, G Boisramé, ...
Hydrological Processes 35 (5), e14086, 2021
Wildfire impacts on hydrologic ecosystem services in North American high-latitude forests: A scoping review
FN Robinne, DW Hallema, KD Bladon, JM Buttle
Journal of Hydrology 581, 124360, 2020
Long‐term hydrologic recovery after wildfire and post‐fire forest management in the interior Pacific Northwest
RJ Niemeyer, KD Bladon, RD Woodsmith
Hydrological Processes 34 (5), 1182-1197, 2020
Water sustainability and watershed storage
JJ McDonnell, J Evaristo, KD Bladon, J Buttle, IF Creed, SF Dymond, ...
Nature Sustainability 1 (8), 378-379, 2018
Reframing the challenge of global wildfire threats to water supplies
DW Hallema, FN Robinne, KD Bladon
Earth's Future 6 (6), 772-776, 2018
Geology and geomorphology control suspended sediment yield and modulate increases following timber harvest in temperate headwater streams
S Bywater-Reyes, C Segura, KD Bladon
Journal of Hydrology 548, 754-769, 2017
Catchment-scale stream temperature response to land disturbance by wildfire governed by surface–subsurface energy exchange and atmospheric controls
MJ Wagner, KD Bladon, U Silins, CHS Williams, AM Martens, S Boon, ...
Journal of Hydrology 517, 328-338, 2014
Post-wildfire hydrologic recovery in Mediterranean climates: A systematic review and case study to identify current knowledge and opportunities
JW Wagenbrenner, BA Ebel, KD Bladon, AM Kinoshita
Journal of Hydrology 602, 126772, 2021
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