Gabriel K. P. Barrios
Gabriel K. P. Barrios
Pesquisador Pós Doutor LTM/PEMM/COPPE/UFRJ
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Contact parameter estimation for DEM simulation of iron ore pellet handling
GKP Barrios, RM de Carvalho, A Kwade, LM Tavares
Powder Technology 248, 84-93, 2013
Comparison of breakage models in DEM in simulating impact on particle beds
N Jiménez-Herrera, GKP Barrios, LM Tavares
Advanced Powder Technology 29 (3), 692-706, 2018
A preliminary model of high pressure roll grinding using the discrete element method and multi-body dynamics coupling
GKP Barrios, LM Tavares
International Journal of Mineral Processing 156, 32-42, 2016
Modeling breakage of monodispersed particles in unconfined beds
GKP Barrios, RM de Carvalho, LM Tavares
Minerals Engineering 24 (3-4), 308-318, 2011
Simulation of particle bed breakage by slow compression and impact using a DEM particle replacement model
GKP Barrios, N Jiménez-Herrera, LM Tavares
Advanced Powder Technology 31 (7), 2749-2758, 2020
Pressing iron ore concentrate in a pilot-scale HPGR. Part 2: Modeling and simulation
TM Campos, G Bueno, GKP Barrios, LM Tavares
Minerals Engineering 140, 105876, 2019
Pressing iron ore concentrate in a pilot-scale HPGR. Part 1: Experimental results
TM Campos, G Bueno, GKP Barrios, LM Tavares
Minerals Engineering 140, 105875, 2019
Mathematical modeling of a vertical shaft impact crusher using the Whiten model
J Segura-Salazar, GP Barrios, V Rodriguez, LM Tavares
Minerals Engineering 111, 222-228, 2017
Investigation of lateral confinement, roller aspect ratio and wear condition on HPGR performance using DEM-MBD-PRM simulations
VA Rodriguez, GKP Barrios, G Bueno, LM Tavares
Minerals 11 (8), 801, 2021
Extending breakage characterisation to fine sizes by impact on particle beds
GKP Barrios, RM de Carvalho, LM Tavares
Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy 120 (1), 37-44, 2011
Coupled DEM-MBD-PRM simulations of high-pressure grinding rolls. Part 1: Calibration and validation in pilot-scale
VA Rodriguez, GKP Barrios, G Bueno, LM Tavares
Minerals Engineering 177, 107389, 2022
DEM simulation of laboratory-scale jaw crushing of a gold-bearing ore using a particle replacement model
GK Barrios, N Jiménez-Herrera, SN Fuentes-Torres, LM Tavares
Minerals 10 (8), 717, 2020
Coupled DEM-MBD-PRM simulations of high-pressure grinding rolls. Part 2: Investigation of roll skewing
VA Rodriguez, GKP Barrios, LM Tavares
Minerals Engineering 178, 107428, 2022
Comminution and liberation response of iron ore types in a low-grade deposit
JRO França, GKP Barrios, HDG Turrer, LM Tavares
Minerals Engineering 158, 106590, 2020
DEM simulation of bed particle compression using the particle replacement model
GKP Barrios, J Pérez-Prim, LM Tavares
Proceedings 14th European Symposium on Comminution and Classification, 2015
A coupling interface for co-simulation of EDEM with multi-body dynamics
W Edwards, J Pérez-Prim, GKP Barrios, LM Tavares, D Edward, ...
6th International Conference on DEM, Colorado, 2013
A hybrid PBM-DEM model of high-pressure grinding rolls applied to iron ore pellet feed pressing
VA Rodriguez, TM Campos, GKP Barrios, G Bueno, LM Tavares
KONA Powder and Particle Journal 40, 262-276, 2023
Simulation of a laboratory scale HPGR using DEM
GKP Barrios, LM Tavares
cit. on, 18, 2015
Estudo da quebra de leitos de partículas aplicado à modelagem generalizada da cominuição
GKP Barrios
PhD thesis, Dissertação de M. Sc. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 2010
Desafios na modelagem da capacidade e potência consumida da prensa de rolos
TM Campos, GKP Barrios, G Bueno, LM Tavares
XXVII Encontro Nacional de Tratamento de Minérios e Metalurgia Extrativa …, 2017
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