Stefano Loppi
Stefano Loppi
Department of Life Sciences, University of Siena, Italy
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Interactions of lichens with heavy metals
M Bačkor, S Loppi
Biologia plantarum 53, 214-222, 2009
Impact of microplastics on growth, photosynthesis and essential elements in Cucurbita pepo L.
I Colzi, L Renna, E Bianchi, MB Castellani, A Coppi, S Pignattelli, S Loppi, ...
Journal of Hazardous Materials 423, 127238, 2022
Lichens and mosses as biomonitors of trace elements in areas with thermal springs and fumarole activity (Mt. Amiata, central Italy)
S Loppi, I Bonini
Chemosphere 41 (9), 1333-1336, 2000
Comparison between the accumulation capacity of four lichen species transplanted to a urban site
L Bergamaschi, E Rizzio, G Giaveri, S Loppi, M Gallorini
Environmental Pollution 148 (2), 468-476, 2007
Problems related to lichen transplants to monitor trace element deposition in repeated surveys: a case study from central Italy
L Frati, G Brunialti, S Loppi
Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 52, 221-230, 2005
Lichen biomonitoring of ammonia emission and nitrogen deposition around a pig stockfarm
L Frati, S Santoni, V Nicolardi, C Gaggi, G Brunialti, A Guttova, S Gaudino, ...
Environmental Pollution 146 (2), 311-316, 2007
Biodiversity of epiphytic lichens and heavy metal contents of Flavoparmelia caperata thalli as indicators of temporal variations of air pollution in the town of Montecatini …
S Loppi, L Frati, L Paoli, V Bigagli, C Rossetti, C Bruscoli, A Corsini
Science of the total environment 326 (1-3), 113-122, 2004
Epiphytic lichens as sentinels for heavy metal pollution at forest ecosystems (central Italy)
S Loppi, SA Pirintsos
Environmental Pollution 121 (3), 327-332, 2003
Antiproliferative, Antibacterial and Antifungal Activity of the Lichen Xanthoria parietina and Its Secondary Metabolite Parietin
A Basile, D Rigano, S Loppi, A Di Santi, A Nebbioso, S Sorbo, B Conte, ...
International journal of molecular sciences 16 (4), 7861-7875, 2015
Bioindication: the IAP approach
R Kricke, S Loppi
Monitoring with lichens—monitoring lichens, 21-37, 2002
Soil contribution to the elemental composition of epiphytic lichens (Tuscany, central Italy)
S Loppi, SA Pirintsos, V De Dominicis
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 58, 121-131, 1999
Passive monitoring of trace elements by means of tree leaves, epiphytic lichens and bark substrate
S Loppi, L Nelli, S Ancora, R Bargagli
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 45, 81-88, 1997
Biodiversity of epiphytic lichens and air pollution in the town of Siena (Central Italy)
S Loppi, D Ivanov, R Boccardi
Environmental pollution 116 (1), 123-128, 2002
Lichens as bioindicators of geothermal air pollution in central Italy
S Loppi
Bryologist, 41-48, 1996
Effects of temperature and rainfall on fruiting of macrofungi in oak forests of the Mediterranean area
E Salerni, A Laganà, C Perini, S LoPPI, VD Dominicis
Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 50 (3), 189-198, 2002
The integrity of lichen cell membrane as a suitable parameter for monitoring biological effects of acute nitrogen pollution
S Munzi, T Pisani, S Loppi
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 72 (7), 2009
Effects of NO2 and NH3 from road traffic on epiphytic lichens
L Frati, E Caprasecca, S Santoni, C Gaggi, A Guttova, S Gaudino, A Pati, ...
Environmental Pollution 142 (1), 58-64, 2006
Long-term biological monitoring of environmental quality around a solid waste landfill assessed with lichens
L Paoli, A Corsini, V Bigagli, J Vannini, C Bruscoli, S Loppi
Environmental Pollution 161, 70-75, 2012
Lichens as biomonitors of uranium and other trace elements in an area of Kosovo heavily shelled with depleted uranium rounds
LA Di Lella, L Frati, S Loppi, G Protano, F Riccobono
Atmospheric Environment 37 (38), 5445-5449, 2003
Determination of baseline element composition of lichens using samples from high elevations
L Bergamaschi, E Rizzio, G Giaveri, A Profumo, S Loppi, M Gallorini
Chemosphere 55 (7), 933-939, 2004
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