Tandis Bidgoli
Characterizing the potential for injection‐induced fault reactivation through subsurface structural mapping and stress field analysis, Wellington Field, Sumner County, Kansas
DR Schwab, TS Bidgoli, MH Taylor
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 122 (12), 10,132-10,154, 2017
Shear-wave anisotropy reveals pore fluid pressure–induced seismicity in the US midcontinent
KA Nolte, GP Tsoflias, TS Bidgoli, WL Watney
Science advances 3 (12), e1700443, 2017
Using detrital zircon geochronology to constrain Paleogene provenance and its relationship to rifting in the Zhu 1 Depression, Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea
W Wang, J Ye, T Bidgoli, X Yang, H Shi, Y Shu
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 18 (11), 3976-3999, 2017
Detrital zircon geochronology reveals source-to-sink relationships in the Pearl River Mouth Basin, China
W Wang, X Yang, TS Bidgoli, J Ye
Sedimentary geology 388, 81-98, 2019
Small scale field test demonstrating CO2 sequestration in Arbuckle Saline Aquifer and by CO2-EOR at Wellington Field, Sumner County, Kansas
YE Holubnyak, L Watney, J Hollenbach, T Bidgoli, FM Fazelalavi, ...
Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, KS (United States). Center for Research & Kansas …, 2017
Low-temperature thermochronology of the Black and Panamint mountains, Death Valley, California: Implications for geodynamic controls on Cenozoic intraplate strain
TS Bidgoli, E Amir, JD Walker, DF Stockli, JE Andrew, SJ Caskey
Lithosphere 7 (4), 473-480, 2015
Accelerated fill‐up of the Arbuckle Group aquifer and links to US midcontinent seismicity
E Ansari, TS Bidgoli, A Hollenbach
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124 (3), 2670-2683, 2019
Middle Miocene to recent exhumation of the Slate Range, eastern California, and implications for the timing of extension and the transition to transtension
JD Walker, TS Bidgoli, BD Didericksen, DF Stockli, JE Andrew
Geosphere 10 (2), 276-291, 2014
Detrital zircon geochronologic constraints on patterns and drivers of continental‐scale sediment dispersal in the Late Mississippian
W Wang, TS Bidgoli
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 20 (11), 5522-5543, 2019
Source‐to‐sink links between East Asia and Taiwan from detrital zircon geochronology of the Oligocene Huagang Formation in the East China Sea Shelf Basin
W Wang, T Bidgoli, X Yang, J Ye
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 19 (10), 3673-3688, 2018
Low-temperature thermochronologic constraints on the kinematic histories of the Castle Cliffs, Tule Springs, and Mormon Peak detachments, southwestern Utah and southeastern Nevada
TS Bidgoli, DF Stockli, JD Walker
Geosphere 11 (3), 850-867, 2015
Calculation of CO2 storage capacity for Arbuckle Group in Southern Kansas: Implications for a seismically active region
Y Holubnyak, E Williams, L Watney, T Bidgoli, J Rush, M FazelAlavi, ...
Energy Procedia 114, 4679-4689, 2017
Pilot Scale CO2 EOR at Wellington Filed in South Central Kansas
Y Holubnyak, W Watney, J Hollenbach, J Rush, M Fazelalavi, T Bidgoli, ...
SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference?, D041S017R003, 2018
Conodont thermochronology of exhumed footwalls of low-angle normal faults: A pilot study in the Mormon Mountains, Tule Springs Hills, and Beaver Dam Mountains, southeastern …
TS Bidgoli, JP Tyrrell, A Möller, JD Walker, DF Stockli
Chemical Geology 495, 1-17, 2018
Exploring the influence of Late Mississippian to Middle Pennsylvanian tectonics on sediment transport through detrital zircon geochronology, southwestern Kansas and …
W Wang, TS Bidgoli, DM Sturmer
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 586, 110750, 2022
Integrated CCS for Kansas (ICKan) Final Technical Report
YE Holubnyak, M Dubois, T Bidgoli, D Wreath, L Watney, S Stover, ...
Kansas Geological Survey; University of Kansas Center for Research, 2018
Evaluating Potential for Induced Seismicity Through Reservoir-Geomechanical Analysis of Fluid Injection in the Arbuckle Saline Aquifer, South Central Kansas
TS Bidgoli, Y Holubnyak, M FazelAlavi
AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, 2015
Surface rupture, paleoseismology and seismic hazard assessment of the Holocene California Wash faults, Southern Nevada: implications for risk to greater Las Vegas area
TS Bidgoli, E Fossett, TR Knudsen, RK Kubart Dano, DJ McEwan, ...
Geol. Soc. Am. Abstract with Programs 34, 476, 2003
Sediment routing and provenance of shallow to deep marine sandstones in the late Paleozoic Oquirrh Basin, Utah
AJ Jones, DM Sturmer, TS Bidgoli, C Dietsch, A Möller
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 578, 110582, 2021
The Role of Transverse Faults in Great Basin Extension: Transfer Faults Or NS Extension?
TS Bidgoli
2004 Denver Annual Meeting, 2004
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