Constantin Chassapis
Constantin Chassapis
在 stevens.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
A model for evaluating the effectiveness of remote engineering laboratories and simulations in education
JV Nickerson, JE Corter, SK Esche, C Chassapis
Computers & Education 49 (3), 708-725, 2007
Constructing reality: A study of remote, hands-on, and simulated laboratories
JE Corter, JV Nickerson, SK Esche, C Chassapis, S Im, J Ma
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 14 (2), 7-es, 2007
Process and learning outcomes from remotely-operated, simulated, and hands-on student laboratories
JE Corter, SK Esche, C Chassapis, J Ma, JV Nickerson
Computers & Education 57 (3), 2054-2067, 2011
Remote versus hands-on labs: A comparative study
JE Corter, JV Nickerson, SK Esche, C Chassapis
34th Annual Frontiers in Education, 2004. FIE 2004., F1G-17, 2004
An IT view on perspectives of computer aided process planning research
F Cay, C Chassapis
Computers in industry 34 (3), 307-337, 1997
The elastic behavior of linkages: An update
GG Lowen, C Chassapis
Mechanism and Machine Theory 21 (1), 33-42, 1986
Optimal cooling system design for multi-cavity injection molding
LQ Tang, C Chassapis, S Manoochehri
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 26 (3), 229-251, 1997
Recent developments in game-based virtual reality educational laboratories using the microsoft kinect
M Zhang, Z Zhang, Y Chang, ES Aziz, S Esche, C Chassapis
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 13 (1 …, 2018
Configuration design and optimization of universal joints with manufacturing tolerances
SR Hummel, C Chassapis
Mechanism and Machine Theory 35 (3), 463-476, 2000
An architecture for multi-user remote laboratories
SK Esche, C Chassapis, JW Nazalewicz, DJ Hromin
Dynamics (with a typical class size of 20 students) 5 (6), 2003
Modeling of heat transfer in thermoplastic composite tape lay-up manufacturing
S Tumkor, N Turkmen, C Chassapis, S Manoochehri
International communications in heat and mass transfer 28 (1), 49-58, 2001
Multi criteria preventive maintenance scheduling through arena based simulation modeling
G Altuger, C Chassapis
Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 2123-2134, 2009
Content‐rich interactive online laboratory systems
ESS Aziz, SK Esche, C Chassapis
Computer Applications in Engineering Education 17 (1), 61-79, 2009
A scenario for collaborative learning in virtual engineering laboratories
F Arango, C Chang, SK Esche, C Chassapis
2007 37th annual frontiers in education conference-global engineering …, 2007
A multi‐user virtual laboratory environment for gear train design
ESS Aziz, Y Chang, SK Esche, C Chassapis
Computer Applications in Engineering Education 22 (4), 788-802, 2014
A computer-aided optimization approach for the design of injection mold cooling systems
LQ Tang, K Pochiraju, C Chassapis, S Manoochehri
Multi-user, multi-device remote access system
C Chassapis, S Esche, J Nazalewicz, D Hromin
US Patent App. 10/764,137, 2005
Three‐dimensional transient mold cooling analysis based on galerkin finite element formulation with a matrix‐free conjugate gradient technique
LQ Tang, K Pochiraju, C Chassapis, S Manoochehri
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 39 (18), 3049-3064, 1996
A review of applications of computer games in education and training
F Arango, ES Aziz, SK Esche, C Chassapis
2008 38th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference, T4A-1-T4A-6, 2008
Integration of augmented reality into the CAD process
T Serdar, ESS Aziz, SK Esche, C Chassapis
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 23.784. 1-23.784. 10, 2013
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