Sigrún Gunnarsdóttir
Sigrún Gunnarsdóttir
Professor of Leadership, University of Iceland, Faculty of Business Administration
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Frontline management, staffing and nurse-doctor relationships as predictors of nurse and patient outcomes. A survey of Icelandic hospital nurses
S Gunnarsdóttir, SP Clarke, D Rafferty, AM and Nutbeam
International Journal of Nursing Studies 46 (7), 920, 2009
The cross-cultural invariance of the servant leadership survey: A comparative study across eight countries
D Van Dierendonck, M Sousa, S Gunnarsdóttir, A Bobbio, J Hakanen, ...
Administrative Sciences 7 (2), 8, 2017
To be accountable while showing care: The lived experience of people in a servant leadership organization
S Ragnarsson, ES Kristjánsdóttir, S Gunnarsdóttir
Sage Open 8 (3), 2158244018801097, 2018
Þjónandi forysta
S Gunnarsdóttir
Glíman 8 (1), 245-262, 2011
Is servant leadership useful for sustainable Nordic health care?
S Gunnarsdóttir
Vård i Norden 34 (2), 53-55, 2014
Health promotion in the workplace: the perspective of unskilled workers in a hospital setting
S Gunnarsdottir, K Björnsdóttir
Scandinavian journal of caring sciences 17 (1), 66-73, 2003
Quality of working life and quality of care in Icelandic hospital nursing
S Gunnarsdóttir
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, 2006
Facilitating and inhibiting factors in change processes based on the lean tool'value stream mapping': an exploratory case study at hospital wards
J Winkel, K Edwards, BD Birgisdóttir, S Gunnarsdóttir
International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics 3 (3-4), 291-302, 2015
Enhancing working conditions
S Gunnarsdóttir, AM Rafferty
Human resources for health in Europe, 155-172, 2006
Improving health care organizations through servant leadership
S Gunnarsdóttir, K Edwards, L Dellve
Practicing Servant Leadership: Developments in Implementation, 249-273, 2018
Inga Minelgaite og Svala Guðmundsdóttir.(2019). Hönnun starfa og starfsánægja í sérfræðistörfum hjúkrunarfræðinga, verkfræðinga og stjórnenda
A Einarsdóttir, S Gunnarsdóttir, IR Eðvarðsson, ÁD Óladóttir
Tímarit um viðskipti og efnahagsmál 16 (1), 111-128, 0
Are there signs of a better organizational performance in the presence of servant leadership
KH Stefánsdóttir
Lífsgæði hjúkrunarfræðinga og tækifæri til heilsueflingar
S Gunnarsdóttir
Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga, 2010
Heilsueflandi forysta, heilbrigt starfsumhverfi og vellíðan í starfi. Staða þekkingar. Í Gylfi Dalmann Aðalsteinsson, Runólfur Smári Steinþórsson og Þórhallur Örn Guðlaugsson …
S Gunnarsdóttir
Rannsóknir í viðskiptafræði II, 167-184, 2021
The development and piloting of electronic standardized measures on nursing work: combining engineering and nursing knowledge
H Bragadóttir, S Gunnarsdóttir, HT Ingason
Journal of nursing management 21 (4), 679-689, 2013
What the work of nurses really looks like: Identifying factors influencing the work of nurses in hospital
H Bragadóttir, S Gunnarsdóttir, HT Ingason
Journal of Environmental and Occupational Science, 2014
Þjónandi forysta og starfsánægja í Háskóla Íslands.
GI Guðjónsson, S Gunnarsdóttir
Icelandic Review on Politics & Administration 10 (2), 2014
A Nordic evaluation of a work environment complement to Value Stream Mapping for increased sustainability of patient fl ows at hospitals-The NOVO Multicentre Study I
J Winkel, K Edwards, BD Birgisdóttir, C Jarebrant, JJ Hanse, ...
9th Novo symposium, 33-35, 2015
Árangur og forysta í hjúkrun: viðhorf til þjónandi forystu, starfsánægju, starfstengdra þátta og gæða þjónustu á sjúkrahúsinu á Akureyri
H Rafnsdóttir, RH Arnardóttir, S Gunnarsdóttir
Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga, 2015
What happens during nurses' medication work in acute care: an observational study from one hospital in Iceland
H Bragadóttir, HT Ingason, S Gunnarsdottir
Vård i Norden 34 (4), 61-63, 2014
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