Laurent Langhi
Laurent Langhi
在 csiro.au 的电子邮件经过验证
Evaluating hydrocarbon trap integrity during fault reactivation using geomechanical three-dimensional modeling: An example from the Timor Sea, Australia
L Langhi, Y Zhang, A Gartrell, J Underschultz, D Dewhurst
AAPG bulletin 94 (4), 567-591, 2010
Neogene tectonic and structural evolution of the Timor Sea region, NW Australia
M Keep, M Clough, L Langhi, SJ Moss
The sedimentary basins of Western Australia 3, 341-353, 2002
Impact of lithospheric flexure on the evolution of shallow faults in the Timor foreland system
L Langhi, NB Ciftci, GD Borel
Marine Geology 284 (1-4), 40-54, 2011
Natural hydrogen seeps identified in the north perth basin, western Australia
E Frery, L Langhi, M Maison, I Moretti
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 46 (61), 31158-31173, 2021
Geomechanical stability of CO2 containment at the South West Hub Western Australia: A coupled geomechanical–fluid flow modelling approach
Y Zhang, L Langhi, PM Schaubs, C Delle Piane, DN Dewhurst, L Stalker, ...
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 37, 12-23, 2015
A controlled CO2 release experiment in a fault zone at the In-Situ Laboratory in Western Australia
K Michael, A Avijegon, L Ricard, M Myers, K Tertyshnikov, R Pevzner, ...
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 99, 103100, 2020
Influence of the Neotethys rifting on the development of the Dampier Sub-basin (North West Shelf of Australia), highlighted by subsidence modelling
L Langhi, GD Borel
Tectonophysics 397 (1-2), 93-111, 2005
Reverse structures in accommodation zone and early compartmentalization of extensional system, Laminaria High (NW shelf, Australia)
L Langhi, GD Borel
Marine and Petroleum Geology 25 (8), 791-803, 2008
Evolution of the hourglass structures in the Laminaria High, Timor Sea: Implications for hydrocarbon traps
NB Çiftçi, L Langhi
Journal of Structural Geology 36, 55-70, 2012
Numerical modelling of coal seam depressurization during coal seam gas production and its effect on the geomechanical stability of faults and coal beds
Y Zhang, J Underschultz, L Langhi, D Mallants, J Strand
International Journal of Coal Geology 195, 1-13, 2018
Northern extension of active petroleum systems in the offshore Perth Basin—an integrated stratigraphic, geochemical, geomechanical and seepage study
N Rollet, M Pfahl, A Jones, J Kennard, C Nicholson, E Grosjean, D Mantle, ...
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA), 2013
Effects of regional fluid pressure gradients on strain localisation and fluid flow during extensional fault reactivation
Y Zhang, JR Underschultz, A Gartrell, DN Dewhurst, L Langhi
Marine and Petroleum Geology 28 (9), 1703-1713, 2011
Geomechanical modelling of trap integrity in the northern offshore Perth basin
L Langhi, Y Zhang, C Nicholson, G Bernardel, N Rollet, P Schaubs, ...
Earth Science and Resource Engineering. CSIRO Open File Report EP12425 …, 2012
The South West Hub In-Situ Laboratory–a facility for CO2 injection testing and monitoring in a fault zone
K Michael, A Avijegon, L Ricard, J Strand, B Freifeld, M Woitt, ...
Fault-related biogenic mounds in the Ceduna Sub-basin, Australia. Implications for hydrocarbon migration
L Langhi, J Strand, AS Ross
Marine and Petroleum Geology 74, 47-58, 2016
Coupled stratigraphic and fault seal modelling used to describe trap integrity in the frontier Bight Basin, Australia
J Strand, L Langhi, AS Ross, C Dyt
Marine and Petroleum Geology 86, 474-485, 2017
Fault seal first-order analysis–SW Hub
L Langhi, B Ciftci, J Strand
CSIRO report EP13879, prepared for ANLEC, 2013
Framework for the assessment of interaction between CO 2 geological storage and other sedimentary basin resources
K Michael, S Whittaker, S Varma, E Bekele, L Langhi, J Hodgkinson, ...
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 18 (2), 164-175, 2016
Automating conceptual models to easily assess trap integrity and oil preservation risks associated with fault reactivation
CP Dyt, L Langhi, WP Bailey
Marine and petroleum geology 30 (1), 81-97, 2012
Flow modelling to quantify structural control on CO2 migration and containment, CCS South West Hub, Australia
L Langhi, J Strand, L Ricard
Petroleum Geoscience 27 (2), petgeo2020-094, 2021
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